A Mustard Seed and the Kingdom of Heaven
By Tom Brown
- 2798 reads
Whereunto shall we liken the kingdom of God or with what comparison shall we compare it? It is like a grain of mustard seed, which when it is sown in the earth, is less than the seeds that be in the earth but when it is sown it groweth up and becometh greater than all the herbs and shooteth out great branches so that the fouls of the air may lodge under the shadow of it.
- Mark 5: 30-32
Little equals the power of an idea whose time is ripe. For instance think of the simple concept of the number Zero, in effect as a place holder it started a revolution in mathematics as philosophy and pure thought introduced in Europe in the 1400s. From only basic arithmetic and elementary Euclidian geometry to many studies in abstraction and from logic and set theory. In only a few centuries came many unexpected exciting discoveries.
Together with the Renaissance and knowledge in general, throughout Europe natural science and with it an enormous body of pure mathematics developed dramatically as insight and practical use increased rapidly.
One idea that spreads and grows is similar to an immense living thing, as the cells multiply to a mighty tree and which grew from a zygote a single tiny seed, a microscopic fertalised egg cell.
The Kingdom of God
Abraham was promised multitudes of thousand thousands and children as many as the sand in the sea and oceans and stars in the sky more than anyone can count. His descendants will number multitudes truly he is father of many. Blessed thus of his faith and obedience to God, believing, as well as patience and trust, hope and faith with a vision as his children the chosen people.
With the creation when Adam and Eve were made, the first people were told to to be fertile to multiply and fill to habitate earth and paradise. Man was made to proliferate and commanded to populate the earth. I would imagine the next logical step is exploring the solar system as the new frontier, followed then by exploration and study of our galaxy and indeed the whole universe.
Life arises from joining of a sperm cell and ovum or egg cell is then one fertilised cell growing by cell division as an embrio from this microscopic zygote as the very seed. Even up to the most massive organisms, gigantic animals and birds swift as swallows, such as elephants and whales including those extinct too such as dinosoars and ancient plants and ferns, gigantic trees of centuries and even millennia but each every one living started as one cell.
The Word
One spark can set flames to fire and let loose all hell and destruction even as the power of the spoken word the tongue. Either good or bad, even as poison or gospel and love.
Apostle Paul explains how from sin, the fallen body, the clay the flesh is a seed that must die for an immortal new heavenly body to live. Understanding of the word and light is knowledge and faith. A believer is converted by divine experience of love, mercy salvation and the everlasting life. Prayer meditation and study of the scriptures lead to more and more truth and deeper understanding.
Abraham's children promised will be even more than the water drops of the sea and stars in the night sky, Isaac Jacob and David to the Christ Jesus born of a virgin crowned with thorns and crucified. Son of God and first-born these many many thousand thousands will live by grace and peace with the Trinity, the Son, the Father and Holy Spirit. One God the Creator.
According to Book of Revelations the believers holy and saved, are many and literally without number or infinite the children of God is an uncountable multitude from all nations.
Science and Mathematics
Originating of a handful of rules and a few assumed truths, the structure of modern mathematics with all its known results and truths is founded. and discoveries culminate as the pinnacle of human thought. In essence it is a new philosophy, a world of only thought and truth.
Mathematics as pure philosophy from more recent times manifest in the most extraordinary results, leading us to even deeper questions begging answers as crucial. Research in mathematics and applications, its study in general is very much alive today, more than ever.
During the 20th century there was further expansion as in all exact and experimental sciences, theory continued to increase rapidly while new fundamental questions arose. Very rapid growth in reliable knowledge and the most extraordinary practical discoveries are just going all the faster. A snowball effect of sheer volumes of research driven by electronics and computers as well as applied mathematics and still is, and even then there arises ever deeper questions wanting answers. No-one knows when it will stop it's just picking up momentum.
Manned Space Exploration and Colonies
Hope given and trust and faith, future manned solar system exploration could be possible and eventually interstellar space travel. Colonising of the moon then the planets and all of the solar system, in time the stars and intergalactic travel could become reality.
The way forward starts as a self-supporting lunar community, that is people able to live on the Moon indefinitely. Indeed this is a very realistic ambition it is known that it is possible whereas Mars is still very far out of reach.
There is already much experience of living in such extreme climate conditions namely physical as the international space station and the research bases on Antartica as well as of psychological dynamics found in situations such as of submarine crews and among prisoners.
There are many reasons for establishing a moon base, unfortunately including immediate and very practical military use. There is already terrific potential and in fact need, and very good concrete reasons for such colonies.
The Kingdom of Heaven Abraham's descendents would indeed literally be as many as the sand and stars promised the Bible fathers.
Promise and Vow
God's blessing of Abraham and his descendents and with them all believers, those in God in spirit and faith, the chosen peoples and of great many multitudes truly Abraham shall be father even of myriads souls populating the known universe. They shall bring healing and blessing to the nations, to the soil of the earth the skies and waters.
The Sower
He sows may the seed fall on fertile ground, grow multiply prosper and flourish.
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An interesting think-piece
An interesting think-piece Tom, thank you for posting it
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An interesting analogy with
An interesting analogy with man surviving in Antartica with establishing colonies on the moon. You know of course more about the problem of gravity. It effects everything including our eyesight. And I'm not sure the universe needs rapacious hordes such as man has proved to be colonising anyhwere else. I once read a story about how every galaxy had to have its twelve disciples to exist and prove that their Jesus existed. An infintiy of disciples. I'm sure that's a zero-sum game.
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