Shifting Sands

By Ray Schaufeld
- 7806 reads
The ebb the flow, the stay the go upon the shifting sands
The ebb the flow the yes the no the water and the land
I blew in on an August wind and some of it went to plan but I didn’t have one
The ebb the...
Prettiness not splendour
Pleasure but not rapture
Festival and carnival and fireworks to bright the dull
Seventies and eighties fancy dress and shops that sell it.
Fish and chips, Cornish pasty, cream tea
‘If you’re a Devon dumpling do you put jam or cream
On your scone and do you call it a scone or a scone?’
Who cares?
Christmas run into the sea, not me
But my daughter's little pink costume
And smile beneath her dripping locks
Are pictured in the paper.
'Pretty as a picture'
We’re pretty as a picture here.
The ebb the flow the yes the no upon the shifting..
I flew in on a broken wing and –
What now, where to?
Small town small views
Old cat comes back home – front page news.
And we yakk on about crime when there’s next to none.
And we rage against change
Rage against change our local faith and passion.
And yes it’s sometimes done wrong and for the wrong reasons
And money reaches the wrong hands
But the sea wears down the rock, wears to a
Slippy seaweedy boulder, a moving pebble
To the warm grains beneath my summer feet.
Old cat comes back home
Pretty as a picture.
And we’re pretty and resilient as iron age candyfloss
And all our votes turn trueblue tory
We’re a libdem town in a toryocracy constituency
And he holds on fast like a bilge-clad barnacle.
The ebbs the stay the plans the ifs the buts the maybes.
I sit in Harbour View, pot of tea for one
And I stare out to sea.
And the sea tells me –
Nothing! it’s sodding water.
Brexmouth or Remain?
These I shall miss –
Pot of tea for one at Harbour View
Quiz night at the Railway Club
Old man bands rocking their sounds
And my friends, my friends who I don’t tell
That I help a Syrian family with their English homework
Because I don’t want the featherweight yes or no votes
Of people who only know England and
Whose ancestors only know England.
Yeh I’m unfair to my friends with their sometimes small views
And their mainly big hearts.
And perhaps after 18 years
Exmouth is my friend now
Not the friend for a week and wow!
Wasn’t that great friend
But the friend who I take for granted
The friend who is there for me
The friend who knows me outside in and inside out.
And if I go and going does not work out –
Old cat pads on home
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Elsie, this is brilliant.
Elsie, this is brilliant. Was this one of the pieces you were going to do at the Slam? I can hear you performing it as I read.
So many good things - the way you evoke decision/indecision with the ebb and flow, wonderful phrases like the friends with 'their sometimes small views and their mainly big hearts', and the beautifully judged anti-climax of '...and the sea tells me - Nothing! It's sodding water' - made me laugh out loud. And the image of the cat, finding its way home.
This is one of my favourites of yours. A great read.
The bit about the scones reminded me of a recent item on the Today programme about some advertising campaign for Devon tourism being Twittered to death because the photo showed the cream on the scone before the jam, or vice versa, and they actually had some woman in to confirm which was the Devon and which was the Cornwall way. Up here, we mash it all in together. We're Yorkshire, us. Just give us the grub.
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Some glimpses at the years'
Some glimpses at the years' ups and downs, the 'keeping going', the enjoyment of excitement, but having a realisitc view of it, the putting down roots in a community you see the weaknesses of, but also appreciate the acceptance and steadiness of the place and people you know. Rhiannon
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really good. As good as anything on the site.
Well done.
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Hi Elsie,
Hi Elsie,
just loved reading this piece, especially the bit about:-
Festival and carnival and fireworks to bright the dull
Seventies and eighties fancy dress and shops that sell it.
Fish and chips, cornish pasty, cream tea
'If you're a Devon dumpling do you put jam or cream
on your scone, or a scone?'
Who cares?
My nan used to call jam and cream on scones, thunder and lightening. Funny how certain memories stick out. Oh how I love those memories of cornish pasties and fish and chips out of newspaper.
See how you've conjured up so many of my own memories.
As I said you've touched mine.
Thank you.
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Hello elsie re the
Hello elsie re the Harbour View I thought that was to be closed down?
Shame about missing he Teignmouth Poetry Slam. I was there a few weeks back to see the movie
" The Mercy" End of the front row, neck ache and a bad squint
Kind regards
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Enjoyed this so much Elsie!
Enjoyed this so much Elsie! Affectionate but not fairy tale account of your "home" town. Shows you don't have to write something ostensibly deep and difficult to show the poet's thought deeply. And I liked the sodding water bit too.
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Wow - this one's been very
Wow - this one's been very popular - I hope you get a similar reception for it at the slam! It's a great piece and I would love to hear it (I'm sure others would too). Is there any chance you could do a recording and put a link to it on here?
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This gem of a poem has
This gem of a poem has obviously struck a chord with many readers - and it's our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day! Please do share/retweet if you've enjoyed it too.
Picture: Author's own.
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Love this. Makes me
Love this. Makes me nostalgic for Exmouth & surrounds. Still I now have Brighton instead...very different. But I like it.
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This has struck a chord with
This has struck a chord with many readers - and it's our Poem of the Week! Congratulations!
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That gear change at the end
That gear change at the end of the first verse...can hear it resound. Stunning imagery.
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I’d love to hear you do this,
I’d love to hear you do this, as well, Elsie.
. . . my friends with their sometimes small views
And their mainly big hearts.
This hit home with me, especially in this age of Trump Dinosaur Age I’m thinking. This was lovely and will be a favorite of mine from you.
Rich xx
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