
By lavadis
Thu, 21 Nov 2019
- 5621 reads
'I am going to live on Mars’
she told me,
schoolgirl shoe-scuffing at
the planished patina
of our marriage
‘I am to become a Cosmonaut describing a languid proprioception
around earth
in a recalcitrant copper tube
before being
out into the Lacrimose
spacial void.
Through the ice bullets
and hellstones
we will sail
beast crammed
cheek by jowl
on a seven month
to the red planet
On Mars we will reside
in polyplastic huts
at once bastard hot
and bitch cold
suffering one brutal punch after another
choking and straining and
grasping and starving
on a glittering crimson amethyst
amongst the stars’
‘Is this about me
forgetting to empty
the dishwasher’
I asked
‘No’ she replied
‘Forgetting to empty
the bin then?’
‘Forgetting to empty the dog?’
‘No’ she said,
fractals of anger
from side to side
across her monobrow
‘You had said you planned to
move to Lyme Regis’ I said
‘This is 33.9 million miles further’
she said, ‘I checked.’
‘When you are
plunging through space
what is to become of our love?’ I asked.
‘This isn’t love’
she replied
‘it is the shadow cast
by the explosive collision
of two disparate worlds’
‘Are you going to put that in the divorce petition?’ I asked
‘I am leaving’ she said
picking up a very small
suitcase and opening the
front door
‘That is a very small suitcase’
I said
‘It is empty’ she replied
‘If you had moved to
Lyme Regis
It would have been
for you to have
come back to me,
to us’
I said
looking down at the dog
for corroboration
Before the door closed
She turned
and touched my hand
a moment of
inter dimensional transition
frozen in
space and time
‘no it wouldn’t’
she said
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I remember you reading this
Permalink Submitted by Insertponceyfre... on
I remember you reading this the other day - a wonderful piece, thank you lavadis
ps: have you ever thought of doing a soundcloud (or similar) audio link when you post your poems? We have our own account if you want to email a link for us to upload it there. You read very well and it would be nice for others to hear too
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Brilliant. Love it.
Permalink Submitted by drew_gummerson on
Brilliant. Love it.
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Enjoyed this very much
Enjoyed this very much
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1 User voted this as great feedback
A beautiful piece of
Permalink Submitted by Philip Sidney on
A beautiful piece of heartbreak. Just love this.
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This is our Poem of the Week!
This is our Poem of the Week! Congratulations!
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Astonishingly wonderful. Have
Permalink Submitted by onemorething on
Astonishingly wonderful. Have read several times since you posted it. :)
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