My Guru is no more

By pkroutray
- 518 reads
My Guru is no more
Shocks two
within days, a few
when I had to bid adieu
to my well-wishers true,
shook me to mentally rebel
with its cruel traumatic spell
Lost I my loving mother
mymost precious treasure
and then my mentor
my guru and my master.
With agonies weighing a mountain
failed, I also in my duty bounden.
as with pandemic at height high
own safety made me to only sigh
not being able to flame the pyres
with my gratitude and prayers.
Thus duty and desire left undone
me, in life will never pardon.
To three Gurus in life, I owe
indebtedness to make me grow
gratitude to endure and sustain
and human ethics I could retain.
Two as my father and mother
bow them I at my heart's altar
All they had, they strained
to go beyond what was ordained
to equip their eldest offspring
to fly, the strength in the wing.
Maybe, for deeds pious
done in my life previous
blessed me the Lord
a boon as a reward
a guru and the mentor
of Surendra sir’s stature
who holding my finger
taught me the first letter
and roused in me an urge
all dirt within me to purge
and the points awesome
to inch onward in the realm
of the boundless wisdom.
His grace on our first meet
kept all students glued to the seat
in the disturbing period, pre-lunch
by his thrilling rhetoric to munch.
and captivated one and all
a real guru’s awakening call.
tussled we students one another
to get his special benign favor.
Stood I out with a few in the race
continued life long to avail his grace.
What little in life I could contribute
to adorable Surendra sir I attribute.
Sir! with me your presence virtual
stops me from doing deeds immoral.
In childhood his struggle
on hot sand barefoot travel
practicing math on sand
among top ten he could stand
a rare distinction all bests covet.
to a fat salaried rosy life the ticket.
but fighting hard to study higher
he finally chose to be a teacher
the god-gifted profession for him
his deeds in profession, was his hymn.
At very early age lost he his father
and within years lost his brother
with mother and sister
without a bread earner
the burden of his education
could not waver his devotion
to toil to learn and excel
a practical example to dwell.
As a teacher
he is seen never
to raise his cane in any form
for erring students to perform.
Suave, sweet and stirring
his words continue to sing
to unethical deeds never to succumb
and to ever illumine the way to wisdom.
Sir in mortal frame you are no more
but your students ten thousand over
at their heart for you as Guru, they mourn
with love to you no less than their dad and mom
and pray they the supreme lord
peace to their mentor adored
who justly lived and showed them light
to tread on the path just and right.
Sir for me
as scriptures see
you are Brahma, the creator,
you are Vishnu, the sustainer,
you are Maheswar the dissolver,
to all of them you are still superior
thus my reverence to you
flow from my soul true..
But at my mortal heart as always you, I adore
you are still with me being no more.
P K Routray
in the service of Lord
Surendra Nath mohapatra is my teacher. He started his career as a teacher from Angul high school wef 1963 when I was a student and was a brilliant teacher being himself a brilliant student and shaped my career. I revered him throughout my life. He expired on 7 th June 2021 born in June 1933 after a long illness. It is a tribute in his honor,)
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My condolences. This is a
My condolences. This is a beautiful piece.
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