A Northern Song

By Ewan
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The same old jester, the same old tune:
“wealth and prosperity coming soon,”
to a village, near you, that once was a town
- right up 'til the day the factory closed down.
We had a gasworks, a steel mill and a market too,
there was even a place to turn horses to glue.
A station for police and one for the train,
all of them gone: “ just money down the drain.”
There is talk of developments on brown-field sites,
shoe-box houses with attendant street lights.
“Build a railway station!” though there isn’t a line
- and there hasn’t been, since they closed down the mine.
All the empty promises, not one of them meant,
the same old jester, singing Feste’s lament.
[Hear this on soundcloud here : https://soundcloud.com/user-224867227/a-northern-song
If I could afford Patrick Stewart, people might buy my poetry]
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Excellent words that could be
Excellent words that could be describing the sad plight of any of hundreds of small towns in the North of England or the former industrial bits of Britain.
I have nothing against horses but your line 'there was even a place to turn horses to glue' made me smile. I could really imagine downcast people turning up at the door on a murky morning with a dead horse in the back of a van and asking a man at a reception desk for it to be 'processed'. Then some muttered words along the lines of 'It'll be ready Thursday' as a ticket was passed across the counter.
I really enjoyed reading this.
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I will be drawing this to
I will be drawing this to Boris's attention during his intervals at the COP meeting thingy. He is a man of his word *cough*
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Nah, you don't need Patrick
Nah, you don't need Patrick Stewart. Great reading.
How can you not believe we are Building Back, Levelling Up, All In It Together...? There will be so much hot air in Glasgow this week, the fight against global warming will be completely lost by Friday.
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Very well deserved. The bare
Very well deserved. The bare faced lies have been growing barer and barer for a while now. Let's hope they result in some change for the better soon (doubt it though)
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I hope Luigi reads this, you
I hope Luigi reads this, you have done a brilliant rhyme, it really adds to the message. Agree with Turlough
"there was even a place to turn horses to glue."
this bit stood out for me, too. Maybe the childlike too with glue, it seemed so happy like an enthusiastic estate agent describing all mod cons, yet has such connotations of despair and betrayal and horror for the animals.
I worry how many new builds will be on flood plains and methane leaking landfill sites with no new work places or schools or hospitals, while buildings actually in towns are boarded up
great pod
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Flows so well, and the rhymes
Flows so well, and the rhymes add to the swelling message, which resonates with me as there is a development, down the road from me, in the last throes of the planning cycle, that will be built on a flood plain and is a black skies site. Local people voted against it, as did the borough council, but the developers took it to the home secretary, who approved it with the words that the village needed to be revitalised and this would just be the start of something good!
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This is our Poem of the Week - Congratulations!
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