Ambitious Tale of Fledgling Zeal
By forest_for_ever
- 879 reads
The Ambitious tale of fledgling Zeal
A child came up to me one day to state his lifetime goal
"Sir, I really want to B&;#8230; just like my dad you C"
But all I get are Ds and Es
It makes me F and curse my woeful work
"G" said I, you really seem quite sure of what you want in life
Speak clear and loud and never drop an 'H'
I do it all the time and I'm oft corrected by my wife
J is for just enough and that really isn't you
K is for the kind of graft that's what I seek from you
Reception marked your founding year and choices seemed so simple
Now they don't seem so clear to you and you really have one
'L' of a task if you want to make it through
M is for the marks you seek and N is for the night through which you
must sleepless be if you want to get it right
You must O the sandman many dreams as you seek your holy grail
When you hear the morning sing that will be your Q
Crawl inside your linen womb and don't forget before you do
&;#8230;to take a well-earned P!
R you man enough to face the trial?
Can you sacrifice what is required to reach the summit of your
Or is S for sad, sorrowful and shamed?
Gaze long and hard at T, for he has a message you must heed
Try, try and try some more, always go for gain
It's your tired but craving mind you seek to feed
Ignore the sleep that will insistently pound your brain
U have a vision clear and strong
You must not yield to that self-defeating voice of doubt that says
you've got it wrong
V is for the victory for which you long
W is for weary and the will to carry on
X is something that used to be
Y is the oft asked question you must face when you climb the academic
Z stands for your zero hour when marks are added up
Have you got the nerve it takes to drink the bitter cup?
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