Home Read Write Forums Blogs IRIS By alpSat, 27 Nov 2004 886 reads Dear Iris, I must say, That you have such lovely eyes. Iris, they are so blue; Bluer than the bluest skies. You've taught me such a lot. I'm grateful to you for that. I look to you with respect, From your attached pupil, Matt. Around 2003 Certificate PGHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
IRIS By alpSat, 27 Nov 2004 886 reads Dear Iris, I must say, That you have such lovely eyes. Iris, they are so blue; Bluer than the bluest skies. You've taught me such a lot. I'm grateful to you for that. I look to you with respect, From your attached pupil, Matt. Around 2003 Certificate PGHumour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments