Will you take a bottle of jack daniels for the car
By martin_t
- 1102 reads
I recently got rid of my old car, an 18 year old Ford Fiesta. It was
my first car but it needed a lot of work and as I had been given it by
my sister 5 years ago, I decided to give it away...
While at my old job, in the dying days of the 7 years I spent there. I
overheard a woman talking about her son, who was 18 and about to embark
on the fantastic journey that is University. When I heard the
line..."what he needs is an old banger to ger around in" ,I pounced
like a very pouncy thing and said I had the very thing he was looking
I felt a little sad when I drove the thing for the last time
(desperately hoping that it wouldn't rain as the wipers didn't work)
and actually caressed the thing when I got out for the last time, and
said good bye to Diego (for it was a Spanish Fiesta).
I walked to the work car park with the boychild who was so excited
about life, leaving home, the whole world of possibility which was
opening up for him. I felt extremely jealous and was transported back
to 1984 when I made the same journey. My mum drove me to Swansea with
my sister and her criminal boyfriend (he was a criminal, he stole stuff
from our house all the time)
When we entered the car park for the hall of residence, we were
directed by a keen looking 2nd year, he may have glanced at my foxy
sister, and got the standard thug response of..."are you looking at my
girlfriend?".....and so started that 4 year odyssey....
These thoughts were still swimming in my mind when I showed this lad
the battered Fiesta. He was chuffed to bits and couldn't believe I was
giving the car to him. He insisted that I take something, and as he
worked for an off licence, a bottle of jack entered my mind and he said
he would get me one...deal...
I was thinking of this today as he is probably about to drive Diego all
the way to Chester. And as a car driving student, he will have status
beyond Diego's dreams. From being a clapped out Hackney motor, he has
become a dream carrier....
I raised a toast to Diego, and the Jack went down very smoothly....a
fitting tribute...
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