By alp
- 1098 reads
He sits alone at the bar when a physically attractive woman sits uncomfortably close to him.
"Hi," she says, "Are you having fun?"
He feels uneasy. "I'm just having a drink."
She tosses her hair back and puts on a laugh. "Don't you feel like having some fun though?"
He stares into his pint of lager, "I'm not in the mood for Scrabble, or cards, thanks all the same."
"Well," she sighs, "I was thinking more of fun involving, your cock."
He shakes his head, "I'm afraid you're mistaken; I don't keep any birds."
"Are you married?" she asks, "And if you are, where is she right now, huh?"
"She is working away. Won't be long before she'll be back."
"And in the meantime?" she smiles suggestively.
"In the meantime, I shall look forward to my wife coming home."
"Look," she says, "I can give you a great time. I've been around the block more than a few times."
"Wow, you must be really worn out then," he replies.
She huffs and gets up from her stool.
He continues to drink his pint,
Knowing that both his conscience and bed-sheet will remain clean tonight.
17 October 2005
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