Home Read Write Forums Blogs Givin UP By CharlaXTue, 19 Sep 2006 879 reads PriVate Hice is Givin UP. His life to save his men. They aer pinned down again up the hill i cannot make it. The maching guns penetrated I love my ewe I love my GOD. My life is for my men they must not die. They must make it to my heaven. Certificate 18Autobiography Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
Givin UP By CharlaXTue, 19 Sep 2006 879 reads PriVate Hice is Givin UP. His life to save his men. They aer pinned down again up the hill i cannot make it. The maching guns penetrated I love my ewe I love my GOD. My life is for my men they must not die. They must make it to my heaven. Certificate 18Autobiography Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments