Someone deadly beneath (part2)
By Zokaya
- 1440 reads
* scene 1
Billy cried his heart out for his mum. She had just departed. Tears streamed down his face profusely. As deafening as the Borough market din was, it failed miserably in rivalling his wail. Everyone seemed surprised that a 4 year old could possess
that enormous strength and power.
He could not recall what he had done the previous day that upset her. So much that she smacked him hard, hoisted him of the ground by an arm and headed for a ditch alongside the road.
He was terrified for his life. It seemed nothing could hold her back. Luckily, she did not throw him in. However, she did threaten to give him to his grandmother.
"I want my mum", he yelled.
"She will be back soon", said Bibby, his dad's mum.
"Yes," agreed his aunt, Rey, "she just went to get you some sweets."
Neighboring vendors offered him delicacies from their stalls but he refused, crying louder and harder. Even customers and passers-by tried to console him, but to no avail.
As far as he was concerned, they were all a bunch of strangers trying to take his mum's place. It mattered not that she had just turned her back on him. He wanted her back.
He cared little, if at all about the 'sweets', he just wanted to see her. Then he would stop crying. His tears would disappear, everything would be ok and he would be happy again. And he would never do anything wrong again.
However, three days passed without a glimpse of her. By the fourth day, he had given up any hope he had left. So he stopped crying and started eating. He had conversations with his nan and her vendor friend who had a grand-son named Billy also.
Next thing he knew, he was on a truck, sandwiched between his nan Bibby and loads of other vendors. Aunty lived elsewhere, so she took a different truck. She promised Billy that she would come and visit him soon.
The truck stopped briefly on Brick Lane so that the vendors could pick up a few bits and pieces. Billy felt the need to use the loo, but he said nothing. As they approached a river 30 minutes or so later, he lightly tapped nan on her arm.
'What is it Billu?'
'I would like to use the toliet.'
'Oh lord' she said, 'we are in the middle of nowhere.'
'Why did'nt he open his mouth and say something when stopped at moments ago?', moaned a woman at the back.
'I'll have to ask the driver to stop', nan said to no-one in particular,
after she noticed the urgency in his contorted face and twisted torso.
Nan led him towards some bushes, handed him some tissues and
instructed him to 'do it there.'
'No No, he can't, shouted a lady hastening towards them.
"Why not?" asked Nan.
'It's our property.'
Nan didn't get the chance to say another word. She got a little help from her friends.
'You gonna let the child poo on himself?'
'Leave the little boy alone?'
'If your child was in the same situation, would you like him to be treated
like that.'
'Bug off.'
Billy settled with Bibby and her family in Birmingham. Some of his cousins and uncles thought he was different. That was where the name-calling began. Chubby. Worst, he was dead scared of Doctor, an older boy and friend of the family. Doctor had threatened to castrate Billy when he catches him..........
Petite, unflatteringly shaped and having just average looks, I was his most unlikely companion and confidante for most of his latter teenage years.
Hard to believe I suppose, but far from being superficial, he appreciated me to the core. You see, it took something deeper and more meaningful than empty attributes to cement a lasting relationship with such a special person as I found him to be.
He took care of me because I meant the world to him. I was more than a presence. To him, I was a constant companionship of fun, excitement, laughter and inspiration. Those were paramount and definitive to him.
His cousin Judy had brought me from the U.S for a short holiday, but after observing how easily he had connected with me because I was music to his ears, she decided to let me stay with him on her return.
Needless to say, he was over the moon and so overcame by emotions that he unashamedly admitted to her that I was his first and most cherished present.
However, George, Judy's brother, whose eyes had caught me, wanted me for himself. So as soon as he had heard that Judy had left, he went to Da's house and snatched me away. Too bad, I could'nt have a say in the matter.
*Billy was gutted and furious. Unsurprisingly, it didnt took him look to come
looking for me. He had fire in his eyes and trembling fists. With a ranging
fury, he lambasted George for his apparent jealousy and underhandedness.
However, despite the exchange of harsh words that ensued, George bluntly
refused to hand me over. A raging storm brewed between them for weeks
until it was eventually quelled by Judy's telephone call from the U.S. She
had a go at George for his misdeed.
Reluctantly, George allowed me to be reunited with Billy.
We became inseperable over the years. Our bond grew and grew until,
as he stated on numerous occasions, it became psychological.
It was almost impossible for him to leave the house without me. Human
beings tend to be forgetful at times, but very rarely did he forget to take
me with him.
And when he did, I could bet my bottom dollar that he would return for
me, no matter how far he had reached or even if it meant that he would
be late for his intended destination.
Only if I had no energy and he had no money to replenish me would he
deliberately leave me behind. When we were out, everyone that he met,
could reasonably infer that I was his earth, because he either kept me
close to his heart or held on tightly to my tiny frame.
Well, Why was I such an important figure in his life. It's not merely owing
to the foregoing descriptions. You see, I have witnessed one of the dark,
bittersweet periods in his life that he hardly spoke about.
He had just ran back to Nan's home after enduring sever hardship with
his dad and step-mother. His attempt to run away from them was a fiasco.
Still recuperating from his near death experience from the previous year,
he had taken on a job at a chicken farm in Reading. It was there that he
had a major fight with Anthony, the best friend he ever had. Anthony was
from a poor background also and he was abused by his dad. The two met
while dad was learning Carpentry and Joinery at the Reading Trade Training
centre. They became inseperable.
In fact, it was dad who got the job for Anthony on the chicken farm, but
something happened and they fell out for the first time. Anthony left the
There was a robbery and dad was wrongly implicated by his supervisor, one
of the marked men on his list. After the police released him, he wrote Nan
and tell her he would be coming back to her.
The school he used to attend just before he went to London had refused to
re admit him. At 16, the admittance staff said it was too late for him to join.
He even try to change his date of birth on his school report from his last
school in London, to make him appear younger, but even that failed.
They were fully aware that he was just trying it.
He started growing some strawberries and other fruits and vegetables and
helping Nan with the animals. However, that was insufficient to maintain
himself or help with the bills. He started looking for farm jobs in his locality
but no luck.
Nan was not complaining but he just was not comfortable not being in school
or working.
He went to look for one his aunts in Coventry. She was with Nan the day his
mom gave him to nan in Borough market. He was even living with her briefly afterwards, but she returned him to nan. She could not manage or take care
of him financially. But she loved and accepted him as her own. She had four
kids at the time.
During his visit, the news came that Nan's last surviving aunt had died. Dad
heard that nan was already at the family home so he decided to join her.
He had gotten an apple picking job, so he had to ask his boss for permission
to leave..........
Dear Anne
how are you? I just had to write you this letter to tell you how much I love
you and care about you. I saw you the other day as you were walking
with your friends. I waited all day hoping you would talk to me also.
As evening drew near, I gave you a sunset to close your day and a cool
breeze to rest you - and I waited - you never came. Oh! yes it hurt me,
but I still love you, because I love you.
I saw you fall asleep last night and I longed to touch your brow, so I spilled
moonlight on your face. Again, I waited, wanting to rush down so we could
talk. I have so many gifts for you....
You awakened late and rush off for the tears were in the rain.
Tonight you look so sad - so alone. It makes my heart ache because I
My friends let me down andhurt me many times too, but I love you... I
tried to tell you in the quiet green grasses. I whispered it in the colours
of the flowers. I shouted it it to you in the mountain streams and gave the
birds love songs to sing for you. i clothed you with beautiful sunshine and
perfumed the air with your favourite odour.
My love for you is deeper than oceans and bigger than the biggest want
or need that you have..... my friend, then you'll undoubtedly discover the true effect
that you have on me....just call me....ask me, talk to me. It is your
decision....your choice.....I've chosen you inevitably and because of that
I'll wait... because i do love "U".
You are my best ideal, the moment i became inspired. you are a perfect
reason, an everlasting sun that shines - that i need. Bye. I love you....
I really love you and I need you in my life.......
Love always, Billy..
The University of Ottawa sent da a brochure, Introducing Ottawa, which described what the induction would be like. It was colourful and had lots of interesting stuffs. Da could hardly contain his excitement. He grew impatient, by the hours, to get to the seemingly delightful, Ottawa.
As he alighted from the aircraft, he ran into one of his classmates from primary school. he could not believe it. They had not seen each other since year 6. She was working for British Airways. They spoke briefly as the passengers were impatient to get to check out.
It seemed most of the new students were from overseas. The University rented about 6 posh tour buses from Busbank. Students were able to choose what bus to take. Da opted for the one with the most prettiest girls.
Luck was on his side. He shared seat with a beautiful German girl. he could not imagined what it would have been like if he had to share with a male student. It would have been a rather tedious tour.
The rain was on and off that day. Typical, the presenter notified them. Normally, the weather would be warm and sunny until the end of September. Sometimes, it would be a hot. However, not as hot as summer. In October the weather would experience some changes. It grew colder, with more rainfall. The leaves on the trees started to change color. As it edged closer to December, there would be more rain and, before you know it, snow would start to fall.
Da chatted with his new friend as the the bus headed downtown, Ottawa best. The tour presenter was articulate and engaging. She even joked that without the tour bus, the best way to see Ottawa, would be by bus.
'Why is that so?' asked one of the students.
'Because', she smiled, 'you would avoid getting lost and it is cheaper.'
The first building of importance came into view shortly afterwards. It was the National Gallary of Canada. The presenter said that it was the biggest Art musuem in Ottawa. Da was particularly intrigued by the the Museum of nature. It looked majestic. It re-opened several springs earlier, after undergoing extensive revamp. Last but not least, was the Museum of Science and technology.
The presenter joked about the lots of hot clubs in downtown ottawa. Everyone cheered. The tour bus took them to various shopping centers in downtown Ottawa; Rideau Center, the Byward Market, Bayshore Shopping center in the West End and St-Laurent shopping center in the East End. Da was in a daydream. He wish he had some money to shop for some new clothes over the weekend.
He was snapped back to reality, when the presenter pointed at the the Rideau Canal as it emerged in the distance. It is the biggest canal in ontario and boast one of the biggest skating rinks in the country.
Last but not least, they visited Parliment in downtown ottawa. That was the closest Da had ever been to any goverment building. They even provide tour guides for visitors.
The presenter concluded the tour by telling the students about some cool beaches they could check out the following summer. Especially Mooney's Bay beach and Britianna beach. She mentioned quite a few more but those were the ones that were foremost in Da's memory.
Da discovered that living in Ottawa was like living anywhere, pretty much. You had the assholes, the kind hearted, the law breakers and the go getters. On a whole, canadians are known as the nicest people in the world and they are loved all over the world. If you need a helping hand in Canada, locals do not hesitate to offer as much help as they can.
Like in each province and state, in the USA, crimes occured every day. However, da rarely witnessed crimiminal activities. It was more likely for him to see it on the news. Ottawa was a cosmopolitan. The residents came from all over the world. You see, it was an open country.
Da setteld in the South End with his brother and wife. His two sisters and their daughters lived there too. North, South, East and West Ends. Generally speaking, they were are all decent places to live. The West was high up, and so was the East. North and South were okay. There werent too many areas that one needed to avoid.
It was very cold in the winter with lots of snow but very just nice in the summer; best seasons were spring and fall. Temperatures varies; -20 to -30 in the winter and +15 to +25 in the summer. During the winter, it was a lot colder than da was accustomed to in ....England.....
Well most Canadians liked when it snowed. Or at least are used to it. As long as they did something with it like skiing, sliding or snowball fights. It was not possible to skate on the canal in the summer but people go to the beach in the summer and show off their bodies and have fun.
The beauty about being Canandian, was that education was a choice. So everyone had access to it. So people had an opportunity to better themselves. However, like da and other immigrants, a lot of Canadian graduates end up working in retail outlets doing all sorts of jobs. Part time. Seasonal. In other words, jobs without any benefits, security, stimulation or challenge.
Several weeks after arriving in Ottawa, da was lucky(or unlucky) enough to get a job at Mcdonald's. Things were so bad at the restaurant, that one of his former colleagues called it the Hell Hole.
Merhaba Fatma
Nasilsin? You said I do not like you becuase I always make fun of you whenever I work with you on the chicken burger station . I am so sorry I made fun at you, but I do like you. I like you alot, infact. From now on, I promise I will not make fun of you again.
Last week, I said something to you that was not nice. That is because when you called me Mr Akilli, I thought it was a mean remark meaning chubby. I had no idea it meant clever.
I made a mistake and I feel so bad for appearing to be mean to you. I did not mean o hurt you. I hope you will forgive me.
You think I am clever and I think you are very sweet. You are sweet like honey.
This time I will be sweeter to you. I promise I will not mess around with you any more.
I adore you
Mr Akilli(Billy)
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