B is for Beach
By rpatel
- 596 reads
the dazzling sun loomed overheAd
its Brilliance was almost blinding
the Calm and tranquility of the ocean
its Depth was unthinkable
vast, seemingly Endless
the ebb and Flow of the water onto the shore
moist, Golden sand surrounded me
seasHells of all colors and shapes
lIned the coast
the carefree, Jubilant atmosphere was evident
everyone was Keen to relax while bathing in the sunlight
a Light breeze blew my hair away from my face
and I could hear the Melodious notes of the seagulls
the smell of briNe and salt
was Overwhelming
by the this time, the beach had Plenty of people
the Quiet had disappeared
small childRen built intricate castles
with a Shovel and a pale
oThers were engaged in a game of beach volleyball
but as the sUn descended, the population grew sparse
I Ventured further out
in to the Water to get a first-hand look at the sunset
the beauty of it all was eXhilarating
soon, there was no trace of light left in the skY
and I was left to gaZe at the pitch black expanse
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