Life and Times of a Priestess : Ch.1 : A Priestess In Shanla (Part 2: Attending In The Ceremony)

By Kurt Rellians
- 609 reads
(Part 2 : Attending In The Ceremony)
The Priests took the man to the leather skinned altar and laid him upon it, then retreated a few steps downwards at the four corners. The man looked towards the other farmers as he lay waiting.
The High Priest then consulted the High Priestesses to ask them to choose attendants and a Priestess to carry out her duty. After a brief word the High Priestesses walked down outside the circle and amongst the waiting Priestesses to select the four attendants. Varna and Renate were to choose two each. Varna went to the left and quickly chose two, chosen often for their pleasing looks although not necessarily so. Ordinary Priestesses did not know the basis on which the High Priestesses would make their decision. Renate took her time, she was a relatively new High Priestess and still relished her power. She saw great meaning in the choice evidently.
She chose a young woman from the front row, a pretty slim, small dark haired woman. Danella waited placidly while Renate passed her a first time. When she began to approach a second time she began to feel nervous that it would be her. If she was chosen it would be a great honour. She had done it twice before in this ceremony so it did not worry her in any way. It had meant a great deal to her on both occasions but now this evening she was not really in the mood and wished not to be chosen. It would mean standing there in front of all these people for a long time and she would be sure to be chosen by one of the male worshippers if she was chosen as an attendant. Renate looked directly into her eyes as she came past a second time as if weighing up her beauty. She was surely being considered. Renate moved on again to the priestess standing next to her. She felt relief but mixed with a certain dread that perhaps she was being considered to carry out the ceremonial duty. That would be a great honour which no Priestess could expect to achieve in their life although many did. But she did not wish to tonight. ‘Please let it not be me,’ she actually began to pray to the Goddess, and wished now that she had managed to hide herself on the back row.
Suddenly Renate stepped back to her and laid her hand on her shoulder. "You are chosen." She had been chosen as attendant after all, but she could now feel some relief that at least she was not being asked to officiate. Being an attendant was at least an easy function, a supporting role. She had been chosen and there was nothing she could do. She would have to place herself in a better state of mind.
She followed Renate and the other woman to the altar. It was time to prepare the 'Giver'. She and the other three attendants stood at each corner of the altar and reached forward to take away the Giver's tunic. One woman opened the sash to reveal his chest. The slim dark haired girl unfastened his tunic belt and they lifted him slightly to pull off the lower part of the tunic off his legs, revealing his penis. The other two girls slid the top of his tunic off his arms and gently lowered him back to the surface. He was a nice looking man, about mid thirties she guessed. Still she felt no inspiration.
Now it was their turn. They turned to face their audience and each pulled the sash which opened their gowns at the same moment, revealing their breasts and genitals. Then they took their arms out, and fully naked before an audience of over seven hundred, they handed the gowns to each of the Priests who folded and placed them on the floor. Then they turned as they had been trained back to the Giver.
It now remained to find out who would officiate. Normally the High Priestesses would descend together to choose a Priestess. On this occasion, as was sometimes the case, Varna and Renate remained near the altar so one of them had decided to officiate. As might be expected recently it was Renate and not Varna who stepped forward to ask the Priests to remove her overgarments, hairpieces, crown and jewellery and her robe. She was naked before them all and her body was beautiful, even to a woman. Her breasts were firm, not too large or small, she was slim and fit, her skin smooth and her genital area shaven. With poise and aware of the effect the display would have on the males she began to dance sensuously around the altar as the music became louder. Her arms graced around her body as she swayed and swirled, her blonde hair dancing around her. The 'Giver' watched in awe as did the male worshippers. Then she stood behind the altar and began to massage the Giver slowly and sensuously.
At a nod from Renate the attendants were expected to help at this stage. All laid their hands lightly on the part of his body which was nearest, being careful not to get in the way of the High Priestess who leaned forward and began to kiss the different parts of his body.
The High Priestess's hands moved all over the body savouring him then draping her own body over his stiffening penis. Then when she saw he was ready she took his member in her mouth and began to suck it slowly. The man was excited. The naked attendants and the beautiful High Priestess ministering to him were enough to overcome the nervousness he must have felt and the pressure of performing in front of all these people. It was something many Priestesses could never get used to, Danella herself included.
It appeared however that Renate was not one of those. As she took him in her mouth her body continued to move, conscious of her audience. Even Danella, who was becoming less interested in the acts of sex, felt swept up in her enthusiasm. She could have reached out and touched Renate's body and kissed it right now. Even she felt a sudden desire to put her fingers to Renate's genitals and kiss her golden flanks. That of course would not be permitted in this ceremony, but there were ceremonies which demanded it. Danella hoped, despite herself, that one day soon she might be able to do that with Renate in one of those ceremonies.
The music had been softening while the sexual preparations were being made. Now it finished leaving the circle quiet except for the sexual noises which would be made on the altar. Renate took her mouth up towards the Giver's motioning Danella to take his penis in her mouth. Dutifully she leaned forward and began to lick his salty erection. It was nicely hard. This part of the ceremonial was designed to keep the Giver hardened by reminding him that the attendants were there with him also. She passed it to the girl on the left who did the same and then the other two.
Now it was time for Renate to mount the Giver. She climbed onto the altar, standing in her glorious nakedness. Then lowering herself until she was kneeling straddling the man. Grasping his excited member she heaved herself over it until she had fully taken it and began slowly, and then faster, to ride upon it. The man appeared excited as he gazed up at her and began to thrust his own hips to meet hers. His hands grasped her legs and reached for her breasts. The attendants behind him stroked his face and chest as he lay in pleasure, his body dedicated to the Goddess.
Renate began to moan as she ground her body into his. Danella knew this was part of the performance. Renate was playing to her audience and also she wanted to bring the Giver to orgasm. Her animalism would excite the man and her performance would be seen to be effective. Too often in the public arena the Giver would become nervous and lose his hardness. It was the duty of the officiate and her attendants to encourage the Giver as much as possible. When the Giver lost his power there were many ways in which his power might be returned. There was no reason why the ceremony should not last a long time. If the ceremony continued for a long time a signal from the officiate could set in motion the following stages where the audience became participants. It was not a problem to the Priesthood or the Goddess. However it was to be preferred if the Giver's seed could be exuded earlier and the ceremony be continued sooner. Renate's style appeared to be to bring the Giver to a powerful and early conclusion.. That suited Danella. She was tired from the exertions of the day and sought solitude in her own bed.
Renate began to masturbate herself as she jostled more clumsily upon the Giver, and her moaning grew louder. The Giver's moaning could also be heard around the circle, softer than the High Priestess's. She began to cry out louder as she became more excited. Danella behind the High Priestess could see that her excitement was becoming genuine although she could not see her face.
Renate climbed off the Giver and pulled him up. It was time for her to lie down as the Giver pushed his seed into her. Quickly she exchanged places with him, not wanting him to lose his strength. He mounted her quickly and began to fuck into her quickly and desperately. It was time for Danella and the slim dark haired young woman to minister to the Giver as he gave himself to the Goddess. They placed their hands on his thrashing body as it moved, on his buttocks and up his shivering back and brushing his arse and testicles as they moved. Renate began to cry out loudly again, and came in a torrent of breathless, meaningless words. The Giver was very excited, Danella could tell. He would not be long now. It was a good ceremony. The Goddess would be very happy and Danella's sleep would not be many hours away.
The Giver started to shake wildly, uncontrollably. His shaking lasted for some time but it was final. Renate cried out again under the onslaught and the Giver's seed gushed deep into her belly. He continued to move as his excitement subsided. He stayed upon her while she motioned with her right arm.
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