Life and Times of a Priestess: Ch.3: New Life In Dalos (Part 4: For The Pleasure Of Soldiers)

By Kurt Rellians
- 735 reads
Chapter 3 : New Life In Dalos (Part 4 : For The Pleasure Of Soldiers)
Danella began to feel hungry again. They had not eaten well for days but had grown used to the short rations. The stale bread they had eaten today was insufficient. Soon something would have to be done to ask the Prancirians for more food. There was nothing left in the dormitory apart from one more ration of stale bread which was becoming staler with the hour. Now was perhaps not yet the time to communicate with them, while they were still intent on taking their pleasure.
She crawled over to the window, still naked. There was little point in putting her tunic back on. It would please their captors more if she remained naked. She joined some of the Priestesses who had not been used, and observed the rest of the room.
The tall leader was still invading Sreela's slim body while the soldier holding her had taken out his own penis and was wanking it at her face as his free hand held her head. She began to moan as she began to feel some pleasure from the tall man, who now seemed too far gone to be a leader at this moment as he pounded her. Suddenly Sreela opened her mouth and gently deposited her tongue on the other soldier's penis, as he seemed eager and thrust it closer into her mouth. Sreela rose to the challenge and took it deep within her throat as she was rocked by the pounding from the tall man. Danella wondered if it was sensible to give these cruel invaders this much pleasure. Give them this and they might want all the more; it might however save their lives and give them a future in this now conquered territory.
The men who had been content to touch the Priestesses bodies now began to participate in this orgy of rape. They had found it impossible to hang back when all around them their comrades were actually satisfying themselves. Their embarrassment was soon overcome. Danella guessed they needed to see other soldiers doing it before they could join in. They were perhaps also embarrassed by the Priestesses who watched. She assumed they came from a culture where men and women had sexual relations only in private and the thought of displaying their own performance in front of watchers worried them.
Some men returned from the kitchen and selected new partners for a second round. One of them saw the sexual scene in the main dorm and decided to stay there with his new 'conquest'. Danella hoped the Priestesses in there had been well treated, but she had heard no screaming or sounds of resistance.
Danella's own soldier had taken his turn at the door with another, giving leave to the other two guards to have a go with the prisoners. One of these must have had his eye on her before because he now came forward to select her without hesitation as she sat near the window, sticky with the first soldier's sperm. The new soldier was tall and blond, younger and more attractive than the first, but his breath smelled also of Temple wine and his body smelled also. Again he was direct with her, hauling her over to one of the beds this time and pushing her down as before.
He undid his penis and, quickly erect, pushed it into her without delay. Her own vagina resisted at first, so sudden was his demand, but as she relaxed, it went in more easily. He laid his hands all over her as he pulled in and out quickly. It was as if he were afraid his comrades would all finish and leave him before he could finish. She supposed he had been watching for some time the pleasures of his comrades and had become very excited in anticipation. To her surprise he grew slower in his penetration and she could feel he was going soft inside her. His initial excitement had gone and he now worried whether he could complete his task at all. The man was possibly not experienced at this, excited but not relaxed. She lay back and gave no indication of having noticed. He tried to continue but it did not work and his soft penis came out.
She sensed his embarrassment, and at one point she wondered whether he might blame her for his failure. Instead she decided it would be sensible to help him by reaching for it and stroking it for him. The instinct and training of a Priestess came naturally to her now as the desire to display her loving nature and to give pleasure came to the fore. However it showed little sign of regaining its strength this way, but when she took it into her mouth it began to grow again, becoming hard. She was willing to continue but he roughly pushed her back and mounted her a second time. This time the fury of his action was even greater than before. Very soon he was twisting and groaning as his face contorted and his fluids smacked wetly into her. He stayed inside her while his hands felt her breasts and he continued his movements until he grew soft again.
Danella was beginning to feel weak now. She had eaten only rations for days and even this activity could no longer avert her mind from the knowledge that she and the other Priestesses needed food. This soldier should feel gratitude to her for the pleasure he had enjoyed from her and the help she had given him, although he had behaved quite roughly with her. Now she opened her mouth and signalled 'food' to him by pretending to eat and pointing at herself and the other Priestesses.
She said, "We need food," but with little hope that this ordinary soldier would understand the accents of the Empire. He didn't understand her words perfectly but the meaning was obvious. This man was more concerned with his own pleasure than with her plight. He seemed annoyed by the distraction of her request. She could tell this by the look he gave her, a look intended to confirm the superiority of his own needs over hers.
Instead he leaned over her again and began to lick her breasts and move his hands over her body. She would have to be patient. Later when these soldiers had finished using them, perhaps they would begin to consider the needs of their new prisoners, who had given them pleasure and might do so again if they were well treated.
The soldiers in the room satiated themselves by taking the Priestesses in turn. After some immeasurable time their were no Priestesses who had not been raped at least once, and many of the men had satisfied their lusts. More soldiers knocked on the door, to be turned away by their fellows who wanted to keep this catch for themselves. Danella had satisfied five men by now and they still played with them, feeling them, touching them, even trying to encourage them to orgasm, but turning to conversation and relaxation. Some had brought some Temple wine, which they passed around amongst themselves.
Other Priestesses began to ask for food and Sreela considered getting the remaining stale bread. Some of the Priestesses who were free at the time judged it best to wait. They might need the food later, but if they could persuade their captors to bring them food it would be better. The stale bread could be held in reserve for the moment.
More soldiers battered on the door and shouted to the soldiers inside. The tall man who was their leader was disturbed while his penis was buried deep inside one of the Priestesses. Danella assumed he was an officer of some kind, by his uniform, much of which he had discarded. He did not appear to be as important an officer as whoever was outside, however, because he answered immediately and hastily pulled out from the priestess. He put on his trousers quickly and told the guards to allow the door to open.
The superior officer stepped into the room. He wore insignia on his shoulders and the front of his coat, and his helmet was shorter and of a different style than the others. This man was shorter and slim, possessed a natural authority as he strode into the room. Quickly he surveyed the scene and drew his conclusions. He snapped at the tall officer to look closely at the naked Priestesses. Then he left for some other business.
Danella wondered what he had ordered. She wondered for some seconds that perhaps the higher officer was ordering his men to stop their fraternisation and behave more brutally, but he had the air of a man with more important issues on his mind. This was merely a side-show in his war, the conquest of a city meant management and control to him. His casualness towards the scene suggested disinterest, although from her understanding of men, through the experience of life as a Priestess of the Goddess, she knew that very few men were disinterested in female flesh.
The tall officer, fully dressed by now, ordered his men to dress. They all began to reclothe themselves and some went into the clean room to relieve themselves. One or two dallied with their Priestesses too long and were reprimanded. Soon they were leaving, but not before some of the men kissed the Priestesses and gave smiles of gratitude. So these Prancirians were not so bad. They were rapists of war but to a Priestess of the Goddess that was not to be feared. These men would be back if they could and they meant no harm. Danella believed if they did return they would help them. The pangs of hunger grew keener but she didn't believe such men would allow women to starve.
The Priestesses found their tunics and began to put them on again. They were able to laugh about this afternoon's adventure, but the occasional gunshot outside, and the scene Danella had seen before of women and soldiers being chased by the cavaliers, led them to remain worried about their plight. Now they were no longer the prisoners of those soldiers they may need protection of some other kind. They began to talk about food and whether any of them should venture outside to find any food or find out what was happening outside.
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