By kheldar
- 1133 reads
Are you a sitter
When you pee in the shitter?
Do you stand with a hand on your cock?
When done do you pause
Wash the germs from your paws?
Do you care if you share with the flock?
Do you have a set hour
Each day for a shower?
Do you deem a regime ain’t for you?
If you dared moisturise
Would you dare tell the guys?
Is a ‘pope on a rope’ less taboo?
Do you make an art
Of releasing a fart?
Do they pass from your arse miled ‘n meek?
In what circumstance
Do you wash your pants?
Do you care if a pair lasts a week?
Do you take to the sauce
As a matter of course?
Do you think that the drink is a curse?
Do you down a kebab
Then hurl in the cab?
Are you shamed that you’re famed for far worse?
Do you respond with a hug
Are you more apt to shrug,
When your wife airs some strife in her day?
Do you view meekness
As unmanly weakness?
Do you fear that a tear is passé?
Are you apt to linger
With one teasing finger?
Is the clit just a bit that you shun?
Is there a need to discover
The needs of your lover,
When you just grunt and thrust till you’re done?
Upon hearing this list
You’ll perhaps get the gist
Of the kind of and mind of a male;
What kind am I?
You may ask in reply,
My friends, here it ends, I must bale!
Copyright David M Pamment - 12th November 2019
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Love it! The rhyming and
Love it! The rhyming and rhythm are first rate, and it's hilarious. But is this a bit more about the kind and mind of a male than I ever needed to know? I may never look at one in quite the same way again...
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