Life and Times of a Priestess : Ch.14 : The New Lovers : Part 1 : Section 3

By Kurt Rellians
- 468 reads
Part 1 : Section 3
“Are the servants asleep?” asked Jeanette.
“They are, but we will not wake them. Their rooms are below”.
“Valery how much did you pay the man?” asked Danella. She was still trying to understand the value of money in Prancir. “I paid him 4 prancils and a tip of 2,” he replied.
“That seems a high tip. It is nearly as much as he charged,” she commented. He confirmed her suspicion that Valery was being more generous than usual in order to keep the man quiet about the feast she had begun to make of Valery’s penis.
“That was quick thinking,” commented Mireau. “He might not know who you are but he knows where you live.”
“It is not important” said Valery, gesturing with his free hand “A little notoriety would do me no harm. I already have some and it has done me much good. Even a newspaper would not be able to print what that man saw, so why worry.”
“But a pamphlet might,” chided Jeanette.
“No, not even one of those.”
“It is the stories they might invent which should worry you,” she said.
“Perhaps,” he admitted, “But who cares, I am not married”
“Not at the moment but you may choose to soon. Even if you do not need a regular wife, would you not like some children one day,” Jeanette persisted. “I already have some children,” he said without any caution.
Jeanette seemed a little shocked, “You already have children?” Her flirtatious air disappeared as she considered the ramifications.
“You have not say anything about these. Do they live with you?” asked Danella interested.
“No they live with their mothers and most of them have fathers who know nothing of me.”
“You are foolish,” she said Jeanette, “Your lovers will be angry at your disloyalty.”
“Are you angry that I have not asked you to marry me?” countered Valery.
“No, but I am different from many other women. Like you I suppose I do not wish to be tied,” she said.
“Perhaps some of them did not wish to be married either.”
“Perhaps,” she said, “but I am sure in that case they did not wish to be left with child.”
“In some cases they did not wish it, but they should have been more careful. There are methods of prevention you know.”
“Is that not your responsibility?” she asked.
“It is theirs also,” he said. “I am a wealthy man. When I am aware of my children being born I contact the woman and I provide her with what she may need in the way of funds.”
“So how many children do you have?” asked Danella. She was amused and fascinated by Jeanette’s reaction to the revelation. She wondered whether it was jealousy and concluded that it was not. She seemed to consider Valery to be irresponsible which Danella could understand. In Pirion men and women who wanted to raise children entered a responsibility towards the child of their coupling and usually spent the years of the child’s upbringing living in the same house and giving the loving attention of both parents to the child. There were relatives, other close lovers, extra partners of each parent, friends, neighbours and teachers who all took their share in the raising of the child. Even if the parents were to die young there were always plenty of other supporters around to help raise the children. In Vanmar it was not the same. While there were often relatives and even sometimes friends willing to take on responsibilities, many children would not be so lucky. Danella could understand that Valery’s gifts of money would help the mothers to raise the child in a society where money was so fundamental to everything. Valery was like the parent in Pirion who might choose to live with a different partner, perhaps while his female partner took another. But in Pirion the child would thereby win another loving father, and not lose the first who would not normally keep his connection with the child. In Vanmar Valery was not allowed to keep a proper connection with his children. The most he could hope to do unless the mother wished him to be known to her new family was to send money to help the mother raise the child. Vanmar’s strange social rules prevented him from being the father he might have liked to have been.
“I have brought you all here not for a discussion about my children, but for matters a little more urgent to me. We can talk about my children on some other occasion,” said Valery. “Danella shall we continue where we left off.”
“Yes I am ready. I have spent too long talking and need some real pleasure. Mireau, Jeanette if you would care to join us you are welcome at any time, immediately or later. If you would like you can make love in the same room. It is more enjoyable to be in company than to be only two.”
“I think we will decline your offer,” replied Mireau, still unwilling to consider behaviour so alien to the Vanmarian way. His arm however was around Jeanette’s waist. It was obvious that he did intend to make love to her.
“Where can we go?” asked Jeanette.
“You know the house,” replied Valery. “Pick any room you would like. Danella and I will take my room”.
Jeanette led her new lover up the wide staircase and towards the spare bedrooms. Valery and Danella then followed them turning to the left where Valery’s master bedroom was. “Don’t close the door,” she said. “Maybe they will hear us if they come onto the corridor and they may be persuaded to join us.” For Valery it was unusual to make love and not try to keep it behind closed doors. His mistresses usually required secrecy from him but he was happy to accede to Danella’s request. A lively passion was upon him and he wanted to break all the restrictions which bound them all.
Soon Danella had reattached her mouth to his penis and they were both unclothed. Licking his glans and then taking the large penis deep into her mouth, even into her throat she brought irresistible sensations to him. He turned her so that he might lick at her ‘privates’, something he had found gave great pleasure to his mistresses. She cried out in between the oral penetrations of his penis as she bucked in orgasm. Then she mounted him, taking his seed deep into her deeper recess as she arched her body upon him. When he seemed ready she unseated herself from his penis and fell forward onto the bed on all fours, sticking her shapely behind outwards in invitation to penetrate. He stood behind her and inserted himself, pounding wildly as she juddered onto him, pounding herself back onto him as much as he pounded into her, taking care not to lose his penis. Then he clutched at her and like an animal tore into her with energetic addiction. She screamed in ecstasy and his grunts merged into hers as he unloaded his juices deeply into her. When he withdrew it she gobbled the remaining traces from his stick while he remained hard. Then he bent to her and using mouth and fingers brought her to the long ecstasy she had hungered for all evening.
When she was finished they lay in each others arms and talked intermittently.
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