The book with the broken spine

The book with the broken spine - a story of 1,500 words


the brain's divided in two halves the left side and the right and though they look the same they couldn't be more black and white . the hemisphere...

Father Time

Father Time never stops or ponders to ask why? He just drifts on endlessly, never floundering the cogs go on consumed at every turn, like the hungry...

A New Year for Hildy Mercer

A New Year for Hildy Mercer by Harry Buschman I’m sure you've heard it said that the first time you fall in love you set a standard by which you...

The Rhode Incident - Ch 8

It was about a year later when Eamon had saved up enough to go to Thailand. In the meantime, he had tried to talk to other people about the case he...

Paths Back – Behind St Clement’s Church, Oxford

Traffic noise is always a given in Oxford. So much of the place is not-quite-city, not-quite-country, not-quite-suburb. At the foot of Headington...

To Be There Where You are

To Be There Where You are By Paul McCann Were I the wind I would rush through the streets and over the hills to be at your door where I would blow it...


I chose to take the Ghost walk with a guide from Peterborough Museum. These were held once a month and were especially effective on the dark nights...

A spirited walk

The night was damp the air was cold They walk among us, we were told. A guided walk through City streets We could by chance a spirit meet Our guide...

The Darkness Poem (extended)

Nothing is ever how you expect it to be, Nothing is ever how it seems. There is something else here, Something strange lurking near. In the shadows,...
