Home Read Write Forums Blogs FRUIT WOMAN By alpWed, 17 Nov 2004 901 reads She had strawberry lips, And cherry cheeks, Melon-like tits, And skin like a peach. He was bananas for her, Couldn't believe she was real, Until he found out that her thighs, Resembled orange peel. 16 October 2002 Certificate 18Humour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments
FRUIT WOMAN By alpWed, 17 Nov 2004 901 reads She had strawberry lips, And cherry cheeks, Melon-like tits, And skin like a peach. He was bananas for her, Couldn't believe she was real, Until he found out that her thighs, Resembled orange peel. 16 October 2002 Certificate 18Humour Facebook Twitter Log in to post comments