Coronavirus Runs Amok In India :Thoughts by Alfred N.Muggins

By David Kirtley
- 562 reads
The Muggins family, and everyone else in Britain, and doubtless many other careful countries, could not go abroad still, due to the gradual spread of the coronavirus, and in particular the currently (in vogue?) Indian (or more properly the Delta) Strain!
Apparently the inept Indian government (which had not even banned large gatherings when they had a large and inherently sociable population, which liked nothing better than to get together at religious festivals, and in large political rallies (and probably cricket matches too – it was well known that Indian (and Pakistani, Sri Lankan, and doubtless Bangladeshi) males were incredibly obsessed by the old colonial game! (At least it was a game women were not likely to start playing in large numbers! – probably they would be too scared of the very dangerous cricket balls. Football and Rugby were very much being taken over by females at the moment, probably because the balls were a lot softer, and the ladies were finding that they were actually quite good at these sports, if they were happy to experience a bit of rough and tumble!)
Anyway I digress! The Indian authorities had allowed these gatherings to take place while virtually the whole population were unvaccinated, so naturally the virus spread like wildfire and the Hindu families had to burn the bodies of the old and the unfortunates who had succumbed to the dreaded virus in large numbers!
Anyway, to cover up the idea that this was a disaster the Indian Government might have partly brought upon their own country they tried to do deals with the rest of the world to change the variant’s name, and managed to get all the big agencies and foreign governments to agree to cover this up by changing the variant’s name to Delta. Alfred had to ask ‘which Delta did they mean? – the Delta of the Ganges, in Bangladesh?, the Louisiana – Mississippi Delta perhaps (The Home of the Blues? Or was it Cajun cooking?), or maybe the Mekong Delta? Or perhaps it was named after a major American airline, which could do with the advertising, (and might have bribed the Indian Government to get its name on the spreading strain of the virus, instead of their’s!) (Perhaps it was to be named in honour of Robert Johnson and the Delta Blues style? – not exactly a compliment to name a virus after such a seminal art form!). If this was the Delta variant which one had been the Alpha variant he wondered?
Anyway it was all ‘Greek’ to him, so to speak! The Indian Government must have bribed some of these agencies to get them to agree to this enormous cover up?, all to hide the Indian Government’s tragic incompetence! (and blame it on the poor longsuffering Americans as usual!)
It would have been good if the County Council of Kent had tried to bribe the rest of Britain to change the name of the Kent variant of the virus back in December of 2020, and January/February 2021, when the second wave of the virus once again ravaged Britain, and particularly London and the Southeast of England. The Scots and the Welsh (and the Irish, north and south) would have laughed at them all the way, and punished them with sharp criticism, and even Boris Johnson himself (as PM), would have cheekily laughed them off, telling them to have a bit of a sense of humour, as they were British (or English), and there is one thing the British (and/or the English!) are supposed to have in spades, and that, if you need to be told, is Humour (Very Good Humour, thankyou very much!) There was in fact a wave of sharp criticism from European nations, in particular, calling the Kent variant the British variant or the British disease, but the oft criticized British (or English?) took it maturely on the chin as usual! (unlike the Indian Government!)
Alfred, having written and published, to the best of his ability, this rather critical, and quite possibly overly critical article, fully expected to be inundated by criticism from people who might think that constructive criticism of anyone or any group, or any government or political party belonging or pertaining to the subcontinent of India, or more properly (in these days of corrective whitewashing or tiptoeing to prevent insult or upset of any potential kind whatsoever) South Asia to be grossly inappropriate, even when it involves the public health and safeguarding of many millions of people! (But so far it has made nothing so much as a splash, probably because he has not yet, until now published it to anyone!)
Alfred himself thought that all governments, and indeed all the races, religions and peoples of the world should all be subjected to equal and justifiable criticisms and judgements, whenever disasters, outbreaks, wars, riots, pandemics and whatsoever events and occurrences occurred, without any undue protection from Truth! How else was the world supposed to be made better, or governments and authorities, companies or whatever, to be brought to account for their actions or inactions? Not only history should be criticized, but current authorities too! How else to make a better world?
(PS. ‘Don’t let me get started on Brazil and Bolsonaro!’ said Alfred, ‘Or Donald Trump and the USA!’
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It's always refreshing to see
It's always refreshing to see Alfred Muggins telling it how it is. He may give Piers Morgan a run for his money at this rate. Indian, Delta, Kent....all old news now. Life goes on..
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