By harrietmacmillan
- 639 reads
We followed the single tracks in a silver
Nissan Prairie. We negotiated the past,
Sliding into the passing places.
Riding faster over the bumps so I could feel
the half-second of falling,
before again touching home.
I rewarded you with a squeal or a coo.
We drove by the old bag of bones
that was your first home on the island.
You both told me of washing in the loch,
the too-freshwater icing away the dirt
of bodies, or peaty clothes, with every
daring drop.
Your stories of dances and half-drownings.
Moments of down, but mostly of up.
Do you see that there are no trees here?
you asked. I was sitting on her lap
but watching you drive. I know now
These were the roots. Lightly oaken,
like your fingers gently twisting the wheel.
In the hospital, I didn’t know where to kiss
the skinnied, stripling version of you.
I half-heard that he disease was in over-drive:
A Grand Prix of atrophy. A breaking down of
Stories and strolls. The last roars of
a written-off engine. Nissan don’t make neurons.
We drove too fast over that last one,
I can’t feel the road meet the wheels and
I can’t drive myself home.
N.B. Could really do with some advice as to where to cut. Would like it to be just 30 lines for a competition!
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Hi Harriet. This is a
Hi Harriet. This is a beautiful poem. The journey concept works - the car metaphor for age and motor neurone disease is poignant. In terms of imagery, the freshwater and tree stripling is sharp - satisfying images. I've listed some words/lines that I think could be cut without unbalancing your piece.
I would tighten it by cutting:
Line 6 - 'again' and 'I rewarded you with a squeal or a coo' - Both can be taken out without impacting on meaning.
Line 8 'old' (Bag of bones symbolises 'old' anyway)
Line 23 ' The last roars of a written-off engine' and 'Nissan don't make neurons' It is out of kilter with the language you use and sounds too commerical.
Line 24: I'd be tempted to put ' A Grand Prix of atrophy, the breakdown of stories and strolls.'
For me, your last line is great, it only needs this: We drove too fast over that last one/I can't feel the road meet the wheels. The can't drive home bit distracts from that striking last image of the car de-railing.
It needs a re-check for comma breaths and capitalisation. A few tweaks and it will be superb. Good Luck!
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