A Thanksgiving Muse with Audio

By hudsonmoon
- 2981 reads
I got the urge to do a recitition. So I did.
The annual hug fest
is coming upon us
though, it's more like a slugfest
if we’re gonna be honest
‘cause you see
some don’t live
like in a Rockwell
some like to drink,
drug and holler
it’s a family
there’s your ma
who ain’t talkin’
to sweet Aunt Louella
on account of the way
she blows all the
heads off her Stellas
then there's college-girl Mabel
who brought her own pot
now she’s under the table
rollin’ doobies with big brother Scott
and whiskey soaked Dad
who drank all the White Label
now he can't open the legs
on the damn folding table
and gramma and grampa
their politics differ
and with Trump in the
White House
the rift just gets thicker
‘he's an agent from hell!'
said gramma McMurtry
'and he'll end up destroying
this beautiful country!'
‘you democrats think
you all know the score
but if Clinton got elected
there’d a been another
civil war!’
and on and on
this old story goes
so let’s give it a moral
before the end of this show
say grace
eat your turkey
sing a sweet melody
show love
to your neighbor
and forever live free
Oh, and have a Happy
Photo credit: http://tinyurl.com/hrhq53s
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I like it! Of course in
I like it! Of course in England we don't have Thanksgiving but we have do Christmas. I did not write the following jingle, I heard it when young.
'Twas Christmas day in the workhouse
And the snow lay on the grass
'We don't want your Christmas pudding
Stuff it up your a*rse'
(and it's tidings of comfort and joy)
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Hah - sounds just like
Hah - sounds just like Christmas can be here - and this year brexit/Trump will be causing a lot of social difficulties. I think Mabel's got the right idea!
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no Thanksgiving for us. We do
no Thanksgiving for us. We do have Old Firm games however, where hatred and bile is allowed to run wild. ha, next one at New Year, which is an appropriate tme in this gloom-leaden year to start with a culture of crime.
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I've shortened that photo
I've shortened that photo credit link for you so it fits on the page Hudson - lovely to see you've added a spoken version!
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I always enjoy your little
I always enjoy your little video shorts Rich. A blast of fun in a depressing world.
And, I have a soft spot for Norman Rockwell, I collect his artwork and intend ( I hope) to visit Stockbridge. To late this year to catch the fall.
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This is our Facebook and Twitter Pick of the Day!
Please share/retweet if you like it - and I hope all our American writers have a lovely day tomorrow
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