Bee's Journey

By Insertponceyfrenchnamehere
- 73605 reads
This is for the many many people who've been following Bee's Journey, all the way through her diagnosis and her treatment.
Bee has asked me to put an update on here for you as she isn't well enough to do it herself. She told her daughter I'd know what to say and I wish I had her confidence. Anyway, here goes... Bee started getting awful headaches and loss of balance about three weeks ago and very sadly was recently told that these symptoms were a result of the cancer spreading to her brain. She has decided to treat the symptoms only.
I spoke to her not long ago and she told me how much it's meant to her to have such wonderful support from you, and how good it's felt that perhaps by writing through it all, she might be helping others with her insights.
I know she's very keen to publish a pamphlet of her journey - mainly for her family, but I'm sure we can get a few more printed. We'll keep you updated on its progress (if anyone knows a good printer or could help in another way do please email me).
I don't know if she will be well enough to come back, but for the moment I'm sure she could do with your thoughts/prayers as she goes through this hard time.
I know she'd want to thank you all for being there.
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sorry to hear that sounds so
sorry to hear that sounds so assinine, but I am sorry and I am an ass.
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So very, very sorry. The
So very, very sorry. The pamphlet sounds like a great idea.
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Really sad. Thinking of Bee
Really sad. Thinking of Bee and her family.
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Thank you for posting this,
Thank you for posting this, Insert. I have been wondering where/how she is. If she can read this, she will know of much love, and as you say, many thinking of her, many praying for her at this difficult time. Rhiannon
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This is such sad news. My
This is such sad news. My thoughts go out to you Bee.
Sorry lost for words.
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Dear Bee, your insights have
Dear Bee, your insights have been a blessing, tender, funny, wise. Thinking of you through this tough time. Much love, Helen. Xxx
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Distressing news about a
Distressing news about a writer I have always admired and who has given me a lot of support on this site.
She did me the honour of being the first guest on my website and and I remember her amiable and cheerful disposition.
Many thanks , Bee, for the joy that your writing has provided.
Luigi x
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Thank you
for letting us know. Bee is, and has been, one of the kindest and thoughtful readers and contributors here, her joy of life shines through her work. All very best wishes to her and her family. xxxxxxx Lena
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Thanks for posting, just to
Thanks for posting, just to reiterate what others have said. It says a lot that she wanted us to know the situation, having a great care for our thoughts and feelings. Thanks Bee.
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Life's all about 'this, here,
Life's all about 'this, here, now', so it's great news about those steroids. More power to them, and to you, dear Bee.
Tina xxx
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Bee contacted me a few days ago and gave the awful news.
We have known each other for several years and we have been corresponding because I went through a chemo course five years ago and wanted to support her. I will continue to give what support I can and of course wish her all the very best.
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My hopes and prayers for the best
Reading through this and then all the comments has really touched me deep. I know the feeling of losing a loved one to cancer. But before he died my dad told me what kept him going was the support and love from his family. And from what i can tell this website is just one big family. I might be new here but i very much support anyone fighting cancer. So best of luck to you. I pray everything can turn out for the best.
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I am extremely sorry to hear
I am extremely sorry to hear about this. Bee is a brilliant writer and she often lent invaluable guidance and inisght to me through her comments, which were always honest. I would like to thank you for that, Bee.
With all hope of recovery, and with best wishes to you and your family through this difficult time,
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Thankyou insert. Love to you
Thankyou insert. Love to you Bee. How sorely you will be missed.
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I'm so sorry to hear the
I'm so sorry to hear the latest news after all you've been through and I hope you feel better. You're a great advocate for why this site is different from other writing sites, all your thousands of thought out critiques-- I hope you get out into some of this spring sunshine
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Bee - Just to say you're very
Bee - Just to say you're very much in my thoughts - also thanks to insert for sharing the latest positive news. With all best wishes to you and your family.
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Sorry to hear this sad news
Sorry to hear this sad news but you can fight it. Keep your chin up...
best regards
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I hadn't realised this was posted, so am only seeing it now, but I had heard from Bee with her news before. If I can help anyway with the booklet, I will be happy to. She was the person who introduced me to this site, and kept me going through the hard times in my life. I wish her hard fight had worked to give her more time. Thinking of you, Bee, and praying for you, as always.
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I am so sorry for Bee's news.
I am so sorry for Bee's news. It is so sad but we must get her work printed and out there.
Have you considered approaching the Maggie's centre? We don't have Maggie's over here but they were very supportive of my cancer book. Tenovus in Wales also promotes writing through cancer and has produced a book of patients' writing. I will ask around.
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I just want to say a big
I just want to say a big thanks for all these kind, caring comments that mean so very much.
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I just want to say a big
I just want to say a big thanks for all these kind, caring comments that mean so very much.
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