Alien Opportunities Ch.3 : Alien Practices Part 4

By Kurt Rellians
- 259 reads
He snapped out of his reverie. Credardt was talking to him, “I am feeling relaxed Chris. You must not think me rude, but I wish to join these friends. We would very much like to have you join us, but watch if you will.” As if to confirm his thoughts she said, “If you watch you will find out more about us.” The younger alien put her big hands to her naked body and eased one of them into the large entrance between her alien thighs, while the other stroked the large mammaries, and grey stomach of her body. As Braidt had been last night, Credardt seemed happy to masturbate, her gaze flickering over the couple now engaged in the full sexual act, as Braidt had mounted Argibal’s mammoth penis, which was far larger than the alien’s squat figure would have suggested, and was slowly rising and falling upon it as she stared forward, facing Chris. Argibal reached forward to stimulate her alien clitoris. Regularly Credardt’s gaze rested upon Chris too. He felt ravaged by the gaze of the two females, who evidently took inspiration from him. Partly he was flattered by their interest in him. What human women had ever openly showed such interest in him. He remained fully clothed and had no intention of joining their sexual games. Instead he observed as a visitor to a zoo or a sociologist might, curious finally to see what these people were all about.
In time Braidt appeared to be close to the long orgasm Chris had witnessed the previous night. She moaned and cried out, intensifying the speed at which she rose and fell upon Argibal’s rod. Argibal too appeared to be becoming wildly excited, to judge by the way he twisted and tried to shake his body upwards towards the grey fleshed female. The orgasm phase was entered by both creatures around the same time. They thrashed against each other for a long period. Humans would quickly have moved through this phase, either completing orgasm or returning to a lower state of arousal. Alien orgasms appeared to be more drawn out, possibly deeper than humans’. During this phase young Credardt began to moan and thrash more wildly, suggesting that she also was achieving the highest sexual state. Still her gaze was locked, unnervingly, on Chris himself, although she certainly took inspiration from the connected couple. Braidt also stared at him for long periods. Chris found himself aroused, as he had been last night, by the sounds and sights which assailed him, but as he steadfastly refused to join the masturbation he did not actively increase his sexual tension. Both females, so similar, did arouse him, but he was conscious that young and glamorous human women with their better shaped bodies, tidier figures, beautiful faces, would have turned him on so much more. The thought did occur to him that those would not have necessarily faced sex with the same abandon, dedication, or would have had the patience for such a long interaction. The aliens seemed to experience the orgasm so much more intensely, and they obviously had none of the petty territorial concerns about sexual loyalty and the confusion of non sexual concerns which so often dominated the behaviour of human women, as far as Chris had been able to observe over the years.
While Braidt’s intense orgasm continued Credardt came over to the couple, greeting her ‘stepmother’ with a short massage. She stood next to Braidt, turning to face away from the copulating couple, and bending over to display her broad alien backside to them. Braidt let one hand slide over Credardt’s rear, and dismounted her goblin lover to stand beside the young alien. Argibal stood unsteadily, his huge penis standing solidly before him, the pre completion juices of both himself and Braidt upon his shiny glans. Without fuss he presented his engorged penis to Credardt’s rump and placed it into the widening gap he found there. The young alien shivered visibly with pleasure as the thickness went into her, so that Chris felt quite moved by the scene. His own member twitched with unbidden delight at the scene which was unfolding. Argibal began to fuck Credardt strongly, while Credardt cried out in satisfaction.
Braidt implored Chris to join her, seeing his body’s natural reaction to the arousing scene which unfolded before him. He said, “no,” quite definitely, but he did begin to masturbate at the sight of Argibal and Credardt’s connection. He bowed to the arousal he now felt, but refused to join the alien creatures. Braidt slavered over both Credardt and Argibal, the juice flowing freely down her glistening legs, and spittle from her tongue. Chris witnessed Argibal pull out of the younger female and receive a lizard tongueing from both his lovers as he ejaculated a huge quantity of sperm into their open mouths. The sight of the two females keenly accepting the plentiful manna down their throats was enough to take Chris over the top. Chris ejaculated wildly at this point, producing a less than copious outpouring, by comparison with the goblinlike alien. The aliens had managed to reach the depths of his deepest and most irresistible perversions.
Chris realised the aliens had been watching him, even Argibal, in those final moments of masturbation, when he could no longer control his excitement or pull back from the final explosion of his self. They had watched and shared his deepest moments, when he had become the selfish animal, the ego from within. Argibal and Credardt had appeared to be in the throws of their long orgasms as they observed him. Argibal had flickered his gaze from the prone female mouth in which he was embedded to Chris as his loss of control had become evident. Perhaps it was just curiosity, to see how humans behaved when they orgasmed, but he felt that Argibal had derived sexual urgency from his predicament. Credardt and Braidt wanted him anyway, he knew that. He had never been the object of lust for a man before, and he doubted that was what Argibal had felt. Besides the general feeling of guilt he experienced from deriving sexual pleasure from aliens, he felt the guilt of having a ‘male’, particularly an alien ‘male’ derive pleasure from him. He knew he was not gay, as well as it was possible to know without having any homosexual experiences. He was unnerved to find that he was the object of a male’s attention. It occurred to him that he had been observing Argibal too, fucking and embracing the females, but the pleasure he had derived came from the females. He perhaps imagined that he was the male in Argibal’s place; Argibal acted as his agent. He shuddered to think that he could have been sexually interested in Argibal himself, that was obviously not the case.
Argibal embedded himself into Credardt’s behind as his orgasm appeared to continue. Credardt seemed to be going through a series of orgasms; Chris’s had helped to stimulate her evidently. Braidt too had been inspired by his coming, fingering herself feverishly for a time. “You did join us,” she said simply.
“Yes,” he said, “In the end.”
“You could have joined us. You can still join us now.”
“No, not now. I have finished,” said Chris. His excitement was dissipating. It seemed that humans tired of sex more quickly than aliens. They lasted with prolonged orgasms. Judging by Braidt and Argibal’s performance tonight they appeared able to repeat sexual activity endlessly. Argibal’s penis had not flagged in the slightest. Chris felt his sexual interest withdraw. It was replaced by a calmness, which he had not felt the night before after Braidt. No longer was he disturbed by his attraction to the aliens, the females at least. He felt welcomed among them, and flattered by their interest in him. When he felt like enjoying ‘relaxation’ with them he would do so. Tonight had proved conclusively that he was turned on by them. He need feel no shame at joining them; he liked to observe, and to experience sex openly, in groups. He would no longer feel guilty. They had not sought to force or oblige him in any way. The act of masturbation had been entirely voluntary.
He watched for a while longer as the aliens finished their sexual experiences before him. They lay entwined on the settee before him for some time. “Come and sit among us,” invited Braidt.
“No I am content to sit here,” he said, “I am thinking , coming to terms with what you have shown me.” He was sure that if they had been human women lying in each other’s arms before him he would have gone to sit among them. But he was neither repulsed by them. “I think I will join you again soon, perhaps tomorrow, but not today. I think I understand you better now, but I need to get used to the idea.” The aliens separated and went off to their own sections of the house to continue with whatever other pastimes they followed, while Chris made his way home
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