What Now? Chapter 1, part 4
By Lois_Gabrielle
- 413 reads
“I’m not going back in that place again!” exploded Harry. “Enough’s enough, the plan failed, let’s go home, your mum will let you in, you don’t need your key.”
“But she’s out of town and Gran won’t hear the door.”
Darren’s mum would go out of town a couple of weeks at a time and leave Darren with his grandmother. I once heard my mum say that it was bad parenting to leave your son in the care of someone who could barely take care of themselves let alone a teenage boy, but I thought Darren seemed to do okay.
“Oh wait...” said Darren, rummaging through his trouser pocket. “Doesn’t matter, I’ve got them.”
Harry shook his head. “Now can we go?”
The four of us began to make our way down the road.
Harry kicked a can across the pavement. “What a waste of time.” He muttered.
Darren and Tom walked with their hands in their pockets and their eyes to the floor.
“Cheer up guys” I said, trying to put a positive light on things. “We just have to push through to the end of the season.”
The guys muttered sarcastically. Even I flinched at the thought of facing the Rams again.
It was almost dark and the street lamps had been switched on. My stomach began to rumble. I remembered the apple crumble mum had made yesterday evening and hoped dad hadn’t eaten it all.
“Going so soon?” said a low voice from behind.
The four of us stopped dead in our tracks and I swear my heart stopped for a moment.
We turned around to see Coach Kirk standing with his arms folded, a sinister grin on his face. I’d never seen him smile at us before. I gulped.
“C-Coach Kirk...” I stammered.
As he took a step closer the four of us took a step back.
“The boys have been looking for you. They’re disappointed they never got a chance to chat with you properly.”
“Well we...we had to go get some rest, you know, for the big game tomorrow” mumbled Harry, unable to look the coach in the eye.
Coach Kirk nodded slowly. His eyes passed along the four of us and settled on Tom who was trying hard not to make eye contact with him.
He was still smiling and I began to grow suspicious of why he was acting so nice to us.
“What’s wrong lad?” he asked Tom. “You’re not afraid of me are you?”
Tom’s eyes were still fixed to the floor. He didn’t say a word.
I could feel my forehead begin to sweat. Tom never did well under pressure, I was sure he was going to say something stupid and get us killed.
“We really have to go now” I said quickly, trying to divert Coach Kirk’s attention away from Tom.
His eyes were still fixed on Tom.
“Why aren’t you looking me in the eye?”
Tom mumbled something.
The coach leaned closer.“What was that?”
“We’re not afraid of you.” said Tom a little louder.
I glanced at Darren and Harry who glanced worriedly back.
No no no no.... I thought, squeezing my eyes together and shaking my head.
Tom looked Coach Kirk in the eye. “We know your secret!” he blurted out.
Harry and Darren flinched and I smacked my hand to my forehead. Coach Kirk’s smile faded and his eyes narrowed.
“Is that so?” he said, leaning away.
Harry quickly lunged forward and pushed Tom out of the way.
“What he means Sir is that, well...erm...he...we...”
Harry was now face to face with Coach Kirk. He continued to mumble.
“What he means is...” said Darren, interrupting Harry’s ramblings.
Coach Kirk’s eyes shifted to Darren who had sought safety behind Harry and was now peeking over his shoulder.
“He means...he means...he...”
Darren gulped. His sudden burst of confidence was soon shattered by Coach Kirk’s sinister glare and all he could do was stutter.
“he...he...” Darren continued.
“Weknowhowyougetyourmusclessotoned!” I quickly blurted out.
All heads turned a stared at me.
I swallowed. “We know how ...how your get your muscles so toned” I said again slowly, my voice shaking. “That’s the secret that we know, the secret...of your muscles that we know that’s the secret.”
I started to breathe heavily and my heart was pounding against my chest. All eyes were still on me. Coach Kirk’s face remained motionless. He didn’t blink and his mouth didn’t twitch.
“Coach!” a voice shouted from down the street. We all glanced over to where the voice was coming from and saw Brad stumbling out of Ferdelly’s and making his way down the street. I felt a sudden rush of relief as Coach Kirk’s glare was finally lifted from us. We wasted no time.
“Run!” I said in a loud whisper.
And we ran. Faster than we had ever ran in our entire lives and we didn’t look back.
When we got to the corner we stopped to catch our breath.
“Did he follow us?” gasped Darren.
“I don’t know.” I breathed in reply. “He has no reason to come after us.”
Harry grabbed Tom by the neck of his shirt. “What the hell where you thinking!?” he yelled.
“I don’t know. I panicked!” Tom yelled back.
Harry shoved Tom away.
I leant against the wall and put my hand to my chest. My heart was pounding.
“I’m definitely going home now” said Harry angrily. “This has been the most pointless day of my life.”
“Yeah, what a waste of time” agreed Darren.
Tom and I watched Darren and Harry walk away. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” I shouted after them.
“Yeah, yeah.” Harry frustratingly shouted back.
“What now?” asked Tom, rubbing his neck. I heard my stomach rumble again.
“I think we should go home too.” I said.
Tom and I slowly and silently made our way down Roland Street, both feeling embarrassed and disappointed about how the night had turned out. Every couple of paces Tom would look over his shoulder nervously. It was dark now and the street looked eerie. Tom and I picked up our pace.
“Are you sure nobody’s following us?”
“As I said before, they have no reason to.” I glanced curiously at Tom.
“Why did you ask?”
“I looked over my shoulder a second ago and I could’ve sworn I saw something hiding behind those dustbins.”
I stopped and looked around, hoping that Tom was just being paranoid. I squinted.
“I don’t see anything”
“Over there by the dustbins outside Mr Hall’s house. “
“I think you’re just being paranoid, Tom. Come on, the faster we walk the sooner we-“
“There you are.”
My breath cut short. “B-Brad...”
“Where the hell did he come from?” Tom blurted out.
Brad moved in closer. What was it with these Rams and personal space?
“We’ve been looking for you.”
Tom and I looked at each other and nodded. Taking one last look at Brad we ran for it. Again.
“Forget university students” I said as we ran. “These guys are psychos!”
We reached my house.
“You can stay here for a bit until we’re sure Brad’s gone.” I said to Tom.
I stretched over the gate to the back garden and unbolted the lock. We rarely used the front door because the dog had a habit of running out when we had visitors.I heard Charlie bark as I slammed the gate shut. We stopped outside the back door.
“Remember, we wanted to get in extra practice for tomorrow’s game, so we’ve been at Harry’s- shit!”
Before I had time to register what was going on I was lying on the ground with Brad’s hands around my neck.
“Tom...” I gasped as Brad’s grip grew tighter.
Tom looked around him frantically then lunged in, grabbing Brad by the neck in attempt to pull him off me.
“You crazy bastard!” he yelled, tugging at his thick neck. Leaving his left hand held firmly around my neck, Brad swung his right hand around, sending Tom flying into the patio table.The force sent the chairs crashing to the floor. I heard Charlie barking and a light came on in the kitchen. Even that momentary release made no difference. I struggled and continued to gasp. Brad smiled manically. I looked into his bulging eyes and I could have sworn for a moment they were yellow. Tom struggled to his feet. Just as I thought I was a goner, he noticed my Dad’s shovel lent against the garden shed. Without a moment’s hesitation and with impressive force, he whacked Brad over the side of the head, sending him collapsing into a heap on the ground next to me. I rolled on my side heaving and gasping for air.
“What...in the actual...hell...” I breathed, rubbing my neck.
I sat up and looked up at Tom who was standing over Brad, still holding the shovel in mid air and then down at Brad who lay crooked on the patio.
“Are you boys okay out there?” I heard my mum shout.
Tom threw the shovel to the floor and I scrambled to my feet, still breathing heavily.
“Did I kill him?” Tom whispered. I leant over Brad to check his pulse. I couldn’t feel anything. “Erm...depends what you specifically define as dead.”
Tom looked at me blankly.
“Does he have a pulse?”
“Well...no, not really...”
“What do you mean ‘not really?’”
Tom's hands were shaking. I really didn't want him to know the truth.
“Okay, so he doesn’t have a pulse.” Tom dropped the shovel and put his head in his hands. “I’m a murderer!”
My lip started to quiver.
“He was going to kill me! You had to do it...” I said, trying to reassure him and myself.
“What do we do?” Tom asked frantically.
I heard my mum shout again. “Robbie?”
“Quick” I said, leaning over Brad’s body. “We can’t let my mum see him.”
Tom and I rolled Brad’s body across the grass and behind the shed. “We’ll leave him here until we decide what to do next.” I said, rubbing my neck. The back door opened and my mum peered out. “Robbie, Tom, what are you two doing out here so late? Come inside.”
We went inside and Charlie bounded up to me. Tom stood motionless. I gave him a nudge.
“Tom...” I whispered. “Try not to act suspicious, we don’t want to make her think we’ve done anything wrong.” Tom patted the dog.
“Okay...” he squeaked.
“What were you doing out there?” mum asked as we unlaced our shoes by the back door.
We didn’t say anything.
“Never mind, take your shoes off and sit at the table, you’ve been gone for hours, you must be hungry” mum said, opening the fridge.
“We really needed the practice before tomorrow’s big game” I said.
“I hope you didn’t tire yourselves out too much.” Mum smiled.
“Are you staying for supper, Tom?”
Tom nodded “Yes, please.”
“I’ll heat up the apple crumble and custard.”
We sat in silence at the kitchen table whilst mum heated the apple crumble and custard in the microwave.I tried to wrap my head around what had just happened. I had almost been killed and we had just beaten a man to death with a shovel and attempted to hide the evidence by shoving him behind the shed in the back garden.
The microwave had stopped and mum set the bowls of piping hot apple crumble and custard in front of us.
“There you are.” She said, smiling.
Tom and I said thank you and I watched as she went into the living room leaving the door slightly ajar. I was starving. I wolfed mine down but Tom hardly touched his. I licked the spoon and looked down at my empty bowl, feeling sort of guilty.
“What now?” muttered Tom.
My head began to hurt. I’d been relied upon to make a lot of decisions today, all of which hadn’t exactly turned out well.
“Well we can’t go to the police...” I said “and we can’t leave Brad in the back garden, Dad’s sure to find him eventually.”
Tom sighed and slouched in his seat.
“We could bury him?”
“No” said Tom, sitting up right again.
“Haven’t you seen Come Solve with Me? The body always gets found and the murderers always get done.”
I huffed.
I looked at Tom’s bowl of half eaten apple crumble.
“If you don’t eat that my Mum’s going to know something is wrong.”
Tom had never turned down my Mum’s apple crumble in his life. He took a spoonful and shoved it into his mouth. Mum came back in and switched the kettle on.
Tom grunted in reply, his mouth still full.
“Tom your mum just called asking if you were here, I said I’d drop you home in ten minutes, is that alright?”
Tom nodded.
“I know it’s only a ten minute walk down the road but it’s very late and I don’t want you walking home by yourself.”
It usually got on my nerves when mum treated me and my friends like we were six but I think Tom was sort of thankful this time.
Tom gulped “Thank you” he said, placing the spoon in the bowl.
“I’ll be back in five minutes; I’m just putting Sam to bed. Rob, whilst I’m taking Tom home get a quick shower and then get yourself to bed. You’re filthy and those sheets were fresh on yesterday.”
As my mum left the room Tom pushed his chair back and stood up quickly.
“What do we do?”
I looked at the clock on the wall. It was almost quarter to 11.
“Okay” I said, trying to collect my thoughts. “Phone Harry and Darren and tell them to meet us here at 1.”
Tom looked queasy. “Right.” he said, taking a deep breath.
Mum came back into the kitchen. “Ready to go?”
Tom went to the back door to put his shoes on. I watched as he fumbled with his laces before giving up and tucking them down the sides of his shoes. As mum opened the door Charlie bounded outside and my breath cut short as I realised I couldn’t have Charlie sniffing around the back of the shed.
“Don’t worry about Charlie” mum said before closing the door. “I’ll bring him in when I get back, you just get a shower and then get to bed, you’ll be shattered in the morning.”
“Okay.” I said, only half listening. I watched as Charlie sniffed about in the garden. As soon as I heard the side gate slam I went out into the garden to drag Charlie inside but as I had feared, he had already discovered Brad. I slowly walked over to the shed, my stomach beginning to feel uneasy.
“Come on, Charlie”
Grabbing him by the collar I pulled him back inside. Having thrown a couple of dog biscuits into Charlie’s bed to keep him occupied, I was about to leave the kitchen when I noticed something on the floor near Charlie’s bed. It was Brad’s wallet. Feeling slightly queasy I picked it up and shoved it in my pocket. I looked out of the window but it was pitch black and I could only see my reflection in the glass. My hair was matted and my face was covered in mud. The thought of Brad’s dead body lying behind the shed in the dirt made me heave, sending me bolting upstairs to vomit into the toilet. As I knelt on the bathroom floor my heart raced. The events of the past hour turned over continuously in my mind until I wasn’t even sure if they had really happened. I unravelled a piece of toilet paper and wiped my mouth. I had no idea what we were going to do once we met up with Darren and Harry. I got to my feet and flushed the chain. Before getting in the shower I looked into the bathroom mirror at my neck where bruises were beginning to emerge.
It was self defence. I thought.
As I got into bed I set my alarm for ten to 1 in case I fell asleep and lay back on my pillow, my head still spinning.
Dead body in the back garden and a wasted apple crumble. Things can’t get any worse.
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