Qualis Artifex Pereo
By peterelbee
- 835 reads
Caracalla grabbed the water jug and dutifully handed it to his deeply troubled master.
“Most faithful of servants from far distant lands, you do me proud.” spluttered the nefarious Sovereign, between gulps.
“I do not wish to lose you.”
“Grieve not my passing. I have lived a life so full. Today I join with the gods and once again make merry with my hedonic concubine.”
“A life too short.”
“I must depart lest the senate have me flogged to my demise. Oh what fate must fall on a man so brave who loved and ruled with such compassion.”
“They were wrong to doubt your empathy about the fire.”
“What sorrow I endured at the Golden Palace, that memorial phoenix risen from Rome’s shimmering embers.”
“The ungrateful scoundrels turned on you.”
“Kindness begets treachery…but I forgive them. They shall not forget me, my melodies will sound throughout the eons.”
“And I shall not forget you, my one true emperor.”
“Nor I you, Caraculla. ”
Nero sat in deep thought for what seemed an eternity then turned to his loyal servant.
“What an artist the world loses in me.”
Seconds later he unsheathed his dagger.
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