By pumadelta
- 402 reads
I told you I was well
And you comforted me
By way of digestives,
Tea and lip service
I told you I was off
My medication
And you asked me
No relevant questions
Or anything about my care
Or well being
You said for the Church’s own
Personal satisfaction, clarification
And most importantly, liable damage limitation
A short ceremony, preformed in my flat
By clergy, of your choosing
Was the way it’s done in the SDA
All I had to do was lay back
Relax and give a signature of consent
Faith healing I think you called it
In haste I signed on the dotted line
Virgin olive oil, Tesco’s finest
Was rubbed into the creases
Of my manic forehead
And a brief prayer was recited
In my honour and in Jesus’ name
My lack of psychological insight
And my trusting rose tinted nature
Told me it was so, all done and dusted
And the inflated price of the olive oil
And the hassle I went through to get it
Was the rubber stamp, the seal my mind needed
To believe the new journey, of imposed freedom in Christ
And equally transforming, the suggested
Liberation from A life time on antipsychotics
And regular diabetes checks
Was about to begin
You all reassured me with the hand
Shake of a dentist and palms sweaty
Wet like a fish just out of water
The front door about to shut, and in unison,
A pious “God bless you,” Trailed after you,
Well to do proselyte makers in the making
A job well done, faith healers extraordinaire
On par with the likes of Benny Hinn
But he’s fake because he’s a Sunday worshiper
That’s what you told me anyway
But the Sunday churches say what about the great disappointment in 1844
And what about the massacare in Waco Texas
Was David Koresh really the messiah? Do the SDA really know?
You were gone, into the frost of the night
Leaving me elated but all alone
Hot and salivating, right there in
The living room of my district heated flat
I didn’t sleep that night
For the 82nd night in a row
You see, I’d been counting
The days by way of
Burnt out match sticks
And empty packets of low tar drum
My thoughts raced, chased
A demented dragon through my synapses
Feeding my dopamine starved brain
With nothing but sweet nothings a sugar coated
Placebo, the guise of your very last Rollo
An empty packet of promises, of hope, change and a new reality
I held out all night, frantic I searched
My scriptures. Line upon line
Verse by verse
Precept upon precept
Just like I always did
Well that’s what the good
Book says how to do it
That’s how it works
Even for the cursed
I prayed fervently
But I didn’t feel like a righteous man
So my faith, what is faith?
Where’s your faith son? Maintain
“Be still, and know I’m God,”
And after all that, just stand.
I was wavering, double minded,
Lack of results, shaken to the core in all my plans
My faith losing ground, a heathen
An outcast, a schizophrenic, what’s next
There’s no more I can stand
A mirage in the desert, a nomad,
No family, no friends
Just miles and miles of sand.
And making roll ups from dog ends
What a pitiful, pitiful man
A reject, a recluse, need water
I’m dizzy, I thirst, parched, I’m weary
I’m faint, A faith no different from
An atheist in a plentiful land
I try to maintain focus
My pupils dilate to the size
Of oversized mushrooms
Pulsating in syncopation
To the beat of my weak rapid heart
I remain conscious
But unstable
Then finally a mist appears
A magic carpet hovering
Over the shrubs in the pocket park
Through steamy windows,
I watch the darkness lift
A new day, a new dawn the herald of a new start,
I can see clearly now the tobaccos all gone
I was all prayed out, and my Bible
Had been rabidly read,
But I can’t remember a thing
Then I broke into the most violent of cold sweats
The signs of relapse, the voices
Mounting their final and most ferocious attack
I wasn’t healed, I wasn’t well, you told me
My miracle was on the way,
“Weeping may endure for a night but joy comes in the morning!”
That’s what the song says
Sweat poured out from me worse than when
I ate a whole pot full of Aunt Veda’s seriously dangerous
Hot pepper sauce Curry. And for real, it did exactly
What it said on the label, Jam downs hottest,
Written in psychedelic colours stuck menacingly there on the tin
This was different though I was drenched
The colour of my favourite top
Turned from bright red to almost black
And then it happened.
And that was all the liquid I had
To put out the flames,
The fire, that the devil
And his demons started
I swear
Please believe me
It’s all true.
Your honour.
I plead mercy!!
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