November Geese

By Silver Spun Sand
Mon, 26 Nov 2012
- 6065 reads
Looking out across the fields –
the sky cracks open...luminescent,
pale yellow like the yolk of an egg;
7.15 a.m. – not long to sunrise...
A gaggle of geese erupt from below
a crackle-glazed horizon, splicing
the silence, as tirelessly they speak
the language of those not burdened
by thought. Could be they’re bound
for that crèche of stars, fast-fading,
way up there. Morning peels back
under their wings; all November lies
beneath their leaving.
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beautiful. I like the idea
beautiful. I like the idea of silence splicing horizons
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new Silver Spun
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Silver Spun Sand
yes,lovely Tina,full of colour.
Words, and images of the gaggle of geese.
splicing the silence,as tirelessly
they speak the language of those burdened by thought.
Wow! well deserved cherries.
So much do hear,and singing coming up,show.
take care. Gets me away, and m daughter's move.
Got too. Ideas and plans altered.
take care, sloshy bogged weather.
julie x
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A beautiful cameo, Tina,
A beautiful cameo, Tina, with so much in it of detail and ideas again. Rhiannon
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new Silver-Spun-Sand just to
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Silver-Spun-Sand
just to say many thanks,and listening but is was a bit different at ending very long to,all on and adjusted poem,"Forever Faithful" now.
Not sure if this gone through twice,on comment button,sluggish! like the boggy rainy weather and computer. Didn't want mess your poem up comment too long from me and news.
julie xx
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new Silver-Spun-Sand Busy
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Silver-Spun-Sand
Busy re-vising words consonants,what got take to-morrow all singing,make one voice in choir,could be 900 come.
Hi! Tina,thank you so much for your kind words.
Course deeper all than said. Pray shame house,had to go, exchange taken over,good further away,but as had be,bungalow of what they could afford owing to health both of them,got further be done up! so she is going friends,cos she has animals,etc 3 three weeks. All things got be done! So think got help get it fixed.
We do not have a house. but it work out! hope. And dog is very big! that is problem, for me. All there central heating,will be done. Only one can work now.
So haven't much time think poems.
Got a lovely thank you from The South Coast Ambulance Service,bit back and two dealt with me,been commended,by their chief executive,added now,on poem,
"Forever Faithful" Thanks and all and "Jazz" sent them copy! and leaflet show coming up,really have to work hard,and concentrate,clear my head,breathing hit
notes,if hear page given in folders,like 57 it's 67
difficult,look quick,someones,catching pay for course. Four church hall venues all can go join in choir. One lesson clashes, London and only five days different, but may be Ray take me,after lesson could be rush,miss all good. I bet you have had load of rain! take care. make nature and beauty and words,that you write superb to read. Always love "Fireworks In The Snow" your's brilliant. Rays got check ups,and appointments,and me hearing still,3 months. Feel like not bothering,don't want anything go wrong do I before show. Yes got dress code all of us. Could be 100 choir,not my voice ugh! all together
taught,make one voice,don't sing,listen bit sounds good. They should be coming christmas day,all hope be done,but it;s big dog she has now,am frightened of,silly so only be so many hours get back. Not had long. feel so guilty. Course when daughter worked,money from job given etc 6 went,sign of the times years been there,pays for bungalow future!
Ah! well deserved cherries, I have block for a while,all that's going on. Good job don't have learn song words,if don't know songs,how where taught,line by line. Different scales all do,some are harmonies,quite hard sound great. How hang onto words
who can go up or down in notes do. Computers gone strange.
julie xx
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I liked it. Just one thing
I liked it. Just one thing threw me for a second-splicing the silence.Just doesn't seem to sit right.Just me I guess. Very nice piece...Wes
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beautiful....especially liked the egg analogy and "morning peels back under their wings....majestic :) - alvin
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Once again, you've produced
Permalink Submitted by InspiredWriter on
Once again, you've produced a beautiful story. It creates the most wonderful imagery (:
IW x
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new Silver-Spun-Sand Hi!
Permalink Submitted by Cavalcader on
new Silver-Spun-Sand
Hi! Tina,thanks so much,have t read through,as post comment button was slow,I typed on,again see differs near the bottom ending. Have to look and then delete. You will need strong tea now me too,trying make cheese straws,Ray puts things so high,can't reach?Out searching for bowl or pan,go on scales he is 6ft tall no where! Wanted them take for to-morrow,can't win! Snacks and bits we do,but got some things.
He phoned them mid-day,told me if I ask all moved,van packed hired,mid-day change over,now work has to be done, but have some help,but she will be with friends 3 weeks. Wish I bought wellies now. Take care.
Now it states top left corner on poem, ***No Likes yet of "Forever Faithful" mine must be an all new way heading out come of poems. And ***click here if likes. New way of projecting must be poems.
julie xx
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Love the line, Tina.
Permalink Submitted by hudsonmoon on
Love the line, Tina. 'Morning peels back under their wings.'
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loved this Tina- you are an
loved this Tina- you are an ace with nature descriptions and I realy enjoy them. Keep 'em coming.
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bernard shaw I could picture
Permalink Submitted by Bernard Shaw on
bernard shaw
I could picture this small piece of excellent writing. Caught my eye straight away.November and a gaggle of geese Told me that winter is coming in fast. Thank you Tian for sharing. Made my day. Bern
bernard shaw
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Hi Tina, what a wonderful
Permalink Submitted by skinner_jennifer on
Hi Tina,
what a wonderful scene to behold when you pulled
the curtains across.
Also loved your poetic description of what you
were seeing.
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