By skinner_jennifer
- 4087 reads
After Fern had left, Evelyne oiled the skins her
daughter had washed, before they became to dry and
stiff, she was worried about her daughter she knew
it would be time to move on soon, which meant that
Fern would have to get used to new ground, but she
knew they could not stay here it would be dangerous.
Some families had the luxury of living in wagons
pulled by horses, but Evelyne and Nathen built
shelters from anything they could find, then
moved around on foot, it meant they wouldn't have
the responsibility of looking after and feeding
She decided to take her mind off things and build
a fire, she never had enough kindling so she
decided to take Jay into the forest to collect
some. Evelyne followed the stream incase Jay got
thirsty, picking up twigs wherever she could find
As she walked she was suddenly overcome with fear,
like the instincts of her ancestors she could
smell danger, she grabbed Jay in her arms and ran
to the stream to wash away her and her son's
scent, then she dashed for the trees, she climbed
high up into the branches of the tree and waited,
telling Jay to be very quiet, but Jay being so
young did not understand, so then she said quietly,
"If you are very quiet, I will give you a treat,"
Jay loved treats and so was quiet.
All of a sudden the birds started to fly, Evelyne
was almost to afraid to breathe. Suddenly her worst
fears were recognized, she could see some hunters coming they were heading her way, she didn't
recognize them, she could see her camp from the
tree and hoped the hunters would not see it.
As they got closer, Evelyne had the shock of her
life, the hunters had prisoners, one of the prisoners was Nathen, 'what was she to do? if she
got down now she would be taken aswell.' she
The hunters found their camp, they ransacked the
camp, taking what they could, then to Evelyn's
horror they set fire to the hut. Evelyne wanted
to cry out, but she couldn't, she sat there in the
tree just staring with fear, she thought, 'what
will they do to Nathen?' she thought she was going
to faint, but she was in the tree and she had
hold of Jay, so she pulled herself together and
took some deep breathes. She watched as her camp
burned to a cinder, all their hard work gone up
in flames, she thought, 'I knew it was wrong toTHE CHOSEN ONES ( PART SIX ) | ABCtales
stay as long as we did.'
To be continued ........
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you're doing a really good
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Same here, Jenny. Don't keep
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Hi Jenn I thought I would
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I've just read all of these
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Hi Jenny, You've got
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I think that you've really
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This is brilliant Jenny,
"I will make sense with a few reads \^^/ "
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Hi Jenny
Hi Jenny
You've really built up the tension here - and moved the story on to the next level. The little boy did very well to keep quiet with all the problems they were witnessing. And now the mother really will have to find her survival techniques.
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