Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 3 ) Time To Leave

By skinner_jennifer
- 1817 reads
Painting by Jenny.
How I imagine a part of the New World to look.
Liora crept across to the entrance of the chamber on her hands and knees, to where once the beam of light had been, not only had the rays disappeared, but the crystal tunnel had gone too, now all that was left was a great abyss of grey sky and clouds.
Full of emotion she turned to the others watching their terror, nothing could have prepared her for such an event. Drying her eyes, her strength was the only thing sustaining her. “Everyone stay back from the entrance!” She cried out. Liora didn't wish to cause the children to panic, but they needed to be aware of the situation.
None of the youngsters moved, they just sat holding on to each other, or anything else that was available, weeping into their furs.
Finally, Jay crawled slowly, fighting against the cold wind that blew into the chamber. Kneeling down beside Liora, he placed a hand on her shoulder in an attempt to console her. The woman was disagreeable and shrugged him off, but only because she was upset and wished she'd never brought these people to her world. “Well to be honest, a part of me wishes I'd never met any of you, everything was fine till you came along, with the children and all the problems that surround you all. I've tried to help but...”
Jay went to interrupt, but Liora continued, lifting a finger to him. “No! Let me have my say. I've done my best to cheer the children up, but then you went off when I told you not to go far, then you bring these strangers here and expect me to accept them like long lost relatives. The truth is, there's no direct access back to our world now the beam 's gone.”
Liora was afraid to come to standing in case the tremors began again, or that she'd be whipped off her feet by the current of air that passed over them. Crawling over slowly to the pool for a drink, the others followed her.
“What do we do now?” Implored one of her men, full of anxiety for everyone.
“I don't know,” replied Liora. “But we can't stay here, it's too dangerous.” She thought the whole chamber could disappear then they truly would be lost. “I think we need to swim back to shore, get as far away from here as we can.” The wind was getting stronger and whirling around. The children huddled together unaware of Liora's voice struggling to be heard, she tried to yell out what they should do next, but no one was listening, they were in shock, their blank, staring eyes all but lost. The woman realised that one false move and they'd be snatched up and sucked out by the savage atmosphere.
The tension built as the woman crawled slowly over to a boulder, making the others aware that they should hold tight to the nearest sturdy rock they could find, no longer the idea of swimming to safety was so appealing. She didn't even know if they could hear her above the force of the gale that was blowing.
It felt like ages that the company were stuck, clinging on for dear life, when as quickly as it started the wind slowly subsided, until finally it became a gentle breeze.
Addie came to his feet, slightly shaky but needing to move. Making his way over to Liora, he uttered in a whisper, “Are you okay?”
The poor woman was dehumanized and in shock. She stared up at Addie, as if gazing straight through him, then bowed her head, bringing her knees in and started rocking. Jay also came over, it upset him seeing this woman he loved trembling, as she moved to and fro in a rapid motion, it disturbed him.
“This isn't the Liora we know,” he declared, hoping to snap her back to herself.
Liora shot up quick, an angry expression on her face. “Don't touch me, this is all your fault...you've destroyed my world.”
One of Liora's men came over and tapped the two men on the back.
“Move away from her, leave her be...you've caused enough trouble already.”
Jay and Addie looked around at the children and the destruction. Although Jay consented and sat back down quietly, Addie felt angry that they should take all the blame. “You can't control the atmosphere of the environment.” He said annoyed. “Whatever is happening here, is just the laws of nature.”
At those words Liora came out of herself and stared up at the man, her face so enraged, Addie thought she just might attack him. Coming to standing and facing him she attacked him with words rather than violence. “How dare you come here and tell me about the laws of nature...nothing here is as it seems, you have no idea of this world that stands before you...I'm not prepared to stay and listen to you ranting on.” The woman had never felt so angry in her whole life.
Without even waiting to hear Addie's reply, she made her way back to the entrance, her world no longer the safe haven she once knew. Falling to her knees, thoughts of throwing herself out and leaving these humans to their mess went through her mind. The others had no idea what was going on in her head, so stayed away from the distraught woman, even Addie felt he'd probably said enough.
As Liora gazed out, at last a blue sky started to peep out between grey clouds. It seemed the storm was passing, as a gentle breeze swept across her face challenging her mood, which fluctuated between resentment, fear and despondency.
Addie wanted to say; I told you it was nature taking it's course, but refrained from speaking, unsure of the reaction he'd get.
Liora was sure she could see two birds in flight in the far distance, the woman waited till they got closer before realising it was the two Citrine birds. A smile crossed her face as they flew towards her, their cawing becoming louder and welcoming to the woman.
'At last!' She thought, 'two creatures who understand my plight.' The cawing seemed to echo through the air, a reverberation the woman thought wasn't possible, it sounded like they were in a great forest, and yet here they were high above the clouds with just the sky.
Distant humming could be heard as the birds dipped and dived, then rose again, dispersing their dust from the tips of their wings. She felt heartened by their presence, as if a massive weight had been lifted from her shoulders. The others weren't aware of what was going on. Liora never turned or spoke, she just kept her eyes on the birds.
Following the hum, the woman thought she could make out faraway whispers, they were vague but getting closer. Her heart began beating faster, but this time with excitement. The contrast between the humming and the whispers became distinct, as suddenly Liora saw colours like a rainbow pushing their way up through the clouds. She quickly turned her head to face the company. “I think you need to come and see this,” she declared.
The others made their way over to the edge of the chamber, they stared open mouthed at the sight that beheld them. The whispers changed to the lilting, sweet voice of Liora as she began to sing like an angel. Tears welling up in her eyes, the others became emotional too, they listened, and gazed, realising the path was returning.
Pulling herself together she stood up, holding onto Jay who was beside her. Liora then began humming which built up to a light hearted, but soothing, melodious tune once again.
The woman reached for the feather in her pouch, all fear melting away as she continued singing, her own voice blending with the one coming from the light, soon it was a melange of sounds that only Liora understood completely. In a dramatic move, the path and crystal tunnel began to appear leading towards the woman, her voice reaching a crescendo, as all the requirements of the delicate – intricate colours came together. The children were once again captivated and enchanted by the beauty.
Addie and his men had never seen anything like this spectacle before, they found it difficult to believe what they were viewing, as they rubbed their eyes imagining the rainbow of light would disappear in the blink of an eye. But as they glanced once more, the path of colour was nearly at their feet.
Liora was now satisfied the beam was complete, it made her happy to know she still had her sanctuary, but was able to leave. Again stroking the light ever so gently with her feather, the Citrine birds were still soaring high above the beam, scattering their dust as they flew.
Liora's expression became serious, turning to face the others. “I want you to listen very carefully,” she whispered. “I need you all to be ready to step into the light. On no account must any of you reach through the beam. Do you understand?”
Both the men and children nodded in agreement, too afraid to speak in case they disturbed the conditions.
Liora continued now she had their full attention. “I want you to be in no doubt as to the dangers of not staying inside the light...one step outside the beam will be fatal to us all, we will be lost forever.”
The children nodded once again that they understood and so did Addie and his men.
“I hope you all keep your word...there are more of us returning than there was arriving.” Liora had concerns about Addie, it troubled her, but she had no choice but to trust him. “Okay then! I will go first, Jay you're next.” As she gestured, Jay came to stand behind her. “The children will follow Jay, then Addie you and your men will walk behind the children, my men will stay at the back.”
They all got into their positions ready to move off. Liora still stroking the beam, stepped into the light, euphoria invigorating her, all intrusive thoughts now vanished. The youngsters held hands two by two, as they had when they made the journey there.
Dwellers of the New World Chapter Fifteen ( Pt 4 ) The Return | ABCtales
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Is that your artwork? It's
Is that your artwork? It's so beautiful! An intriguing story, I wonder where they will fing themselves?
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I got a confused. thought you
I got a confused. thought you were in Holland.
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Fantastic, on all counts,
Fantastic, on all counts, Jenny....and you must finish this story.
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Majestic painting wondrous story
Your word pictures and art work are quite beautiful and transporting, so relieved the crystal tunnel has reappeared,wonderful read
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Hi Jenny. A cinematic,
Hi Jenny. A cinematic, dramatic sequence. Addie's unsaid thoughts about nature seem to sum things up nicely in that this feels like it's about a balance and the fragility of things. That's a beautiful painting. [Should that say "current of air" para 6?].
Anyway...so much happening so I will read on..
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