Promises Beyond The Veil Of Life ( PT 42 )

By skinner_jennifer
- 3979 reads
Picture by pixabay free images.
Part Forty Two
Through parallel universes ethereal, dazzling white lights shimmer, an energy of worlds within worlds, consisting of visions for every new soul to experience, their euphoric everlasting personal paradise, each one unique to the next.
Layer upon layer of light flips across the great expanse like the pages turning in a book, unraveling rainbow fibers that streak invisible to the human eye like billions of threads, each one becoming tangled as they weave their way up and under, to the left and then right, like a Celtic knotted path leading to the threshold of life, where a pulsating heartbeat thrives and can be heard across the cosmos. Here souls wait to begin a new life, sustained in their own cocoon to dream of their own paradise until the day arrives when their soul can be replenished, then that vital spark of life begins again, as the fates on earth rekindle love once more.
But some souls cannot rest for they have unfinished business to attend to, allowing them to go between the worlds of the living and the dead. Nina's soul light could not rest in her cocoon for there were things not resolved on earth. Her tiny glowing ball of energy would float across the threshold onto the living earth. Once entered it would take all Nina's soul strength to find her recipient, a black cat by the name of Luna that belonged to a kindly old lady called Doris.
It was at the stroke of midnight that rang out from the old church clock, with large flakes of snow gently falling, that a lean, silky black feline by the name of Luna meandered down the snow covered old cobbled back road that led to the entrance of the church yard.
The day's bottleneck of traffic and congestion decreased now that the late darkness took most people to their beds. She strode across the thick snow covered ground leaving paw prints as she went, then nimbly sprung into action leaping the fairly high wall that stood between the living and the dead. On the other side she briefly stopped to sniff the air before moving on, her whiskers responsive to the cold night atmosphere that engulfed her senses.
A full moon illuminated the ground casting a glowing radiance, Luna felt alive as she stepped carefully between the grave stones. In the stillness and silence her ears pricked up sensing a ball of light approaching through the darkness.
It was then that Nina knew she had to be quick, before Luna got apprehensive and ran away. Boldly her light floated closer. Luna thought it was a game and reached out with her paw to touch the light. Nina shifted position quickly around to the side, she was just about to enter the feline when Nina's senses told her to turn to the left.
Exhausted after her travels, she was suddenly overcome with sadness and had no idea why, until she became aware of a body lying a little further over on the other side of the grave yard. Nina drifted between the headstones, though she could have gone straight through them, but it would have diminished more of her energy.
Luna had become bored with the light, she'd discovered a dead bird and began playing with it, pushing the creature around, getting quite annoyed because it wouldn't move unless she maneuvered it herself, but this was a challenge to Luna as she continued.
Nina's ball of light hovered over the body, as she settled closer. Nina suddenly recognized with grief that it was Evie her friend in life and she'd passed over, there wasn't any pulse or beat of the heart. Then Nina suddenly realized why Luna had come this way, it was to show her the body of Evie, though the cat wouldn't have been aware of this.
Nina couldn't cry for souls didn't hold tears, but she could feel and her soul ached for Evie. Nina noticed it was her late husbands gravestone. This triggered Nina to remember how much Evie loved her husband, they'd talked about him often in life.
Nina found it hard to remember much about living and didn't even know how long she'd been dead, time wasn't important and meant nothing when you were just a ball of light. All she had was the memory of Kendrick and Mina their butterfly. She'd seen the evilness of Hirwin Ravenclaw and his selfish ways and hoped he'd get his comeuppance, knowing she couldn't change the fates herself.
As Nina's ball of light was troubled, she noticed a streak of light leave Evie's body, it began to zigzag this way and that as if unsure of what was going on. Nina knew at once that Evie's soul had only just left her body and was frightened. It shot across the graveyard leaving a tail of light like a rocket, then flew back circling one way then the other. It even caught Luna's attention as she watched the strange string of light zooming all around.
Nina wanted to call out, “it's okay!” But of course she couldn't speak, all Nina could do was hover and wait for the light to settle down. Finally it came to rest suspended above her own body, lingering as if not fully understanding what was going on.
Nina waited for what seemed like ages for the light to move, but still it remained. Ultimately Nina couldn't wait much longer and so approached Evie's soul light, as she did Evie's light backed away as if frightened. Nina circled her light then moved away, still Evie's didn't move. Again Nina approached and this time it was as if Evie understood that she needed to follow.
As Nina floated up Evie accompanied her. It was only Luna that gazed up and saw the two lights floating off till they disappeared into the great unknown.
To be continued...
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Some wonderfully vivid
Some wonderfully vivid description in this part Jenny
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This wonderfully vivid piece
This wonderfully vivid piece is our pick of the day!
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I think Well-Wisher would
I think Well-Wisher would like this story, I bet he'd find the first two paragraphs of this part beautiful! This is such a sad way for Evie to go! And she was so kind and giving and warm. Though it's good that her friend in life Nina was there to help her
(ps. when Evie goes into the churchyard you have the traffic deceased. Should it be decreased?)
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Lovely desrcriptions Jenny,
Lovely desrcriptions Jenny, sorry I haven't been following this story. When you get to the high story numbers, it gets a bit daunting, as you know. Keep writing.
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This has such a stillness to
This has such a stillness to it, your storytelling enables the reader to access these remote spiritual realms with a quiet ease.
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