Red Deer's Childrens Adventures ( Part Seventeen )
By skinner_jennifer
- 1816 reads
Two Feathers managed to get to his feet, with the
help of Four Bears. "Here! put your arm around my
shoulder," said Four Bears.
"My head!" replied Two Feathers, groaning.
Four Bears ripped some of his jacket and made it into a bandage, "here! let me put this around the
wound. I think you've been really lucky, it just
seems to be a graze."
Finally but slowly, they managed to start walking.
Four Bears turned and asked Two Feathers what he was doing in the Canyon at night?
"It's a long story, but the sand storm came upon me, while I was riding my horse, I was lost and couldn't see where I was going, so I decided to climb down into the crevice with my horse. The horse got spooked and managed to clamber up, out of the crevice and galloped off."
Four Bears took out his water pouch, "here you must
be thirsty." he offered it to Two Feathers.
"Thankyou my friend, he took a swig...quenching his
thirst, "ah! that's better." he gave the pouch back
to Four Bears.
"You were lucky I came along," said Four Bears,
"there are many wild creatures out here, that would
think nothing of attacking you...given the chance."
"I know!" said Two Feathers, "I tried to get out of
the crevice, but I slipped and fell back in hitting
my head on some sharp rocks."
As they continued on their way, the sky now clear
and full of stars, Two Feathers was curious to know
the name of his saviour, "so you haven't told me
your name yet?"
"My name is Four Bears and I live in the Canyon.
But you still haven't told me why you were riding
in the Canyon."
"I could ask you a similar question," said Two Feathers."
"Well!" said Four Bears, "I was searching for a boy." Two Feathers stopped him in mid sentance,
"did you say a boy?"
"Yes!" replied Four Bears, his name was Red Deer."
"But that's who I've been searching for," insisted
Two Feathers, stopping in his tracks. "When did you
last see him?"
"I saw him earlier on today," replied Four Bears,
"I left him at the entrance to our Cave, I went to
get him some warm clothing, when I came back however, he was gone."
"Do you know how the boy got out here, into the
Canyon?" asked Two Feathers.
"All I know is that I heard a rider, when I was
inside the Cave...where my people live, when I went
out to investigate, the boy was lying half naked on
the ground. A man rode off into the distance, but I
did not get a clear look at him. I carried the boy
into the cave, but it was as if he were drugged, I
just couldn't seem to wake him."
Now Two Feathers became suspicious, someone back at his camp, wanted to get rid of Red Deer. He
wondered to himself who it could be? When he remembered that himself and Amadahy had gone over to Floating Clouds lodge, that's when the boy
disappeared, obviously someone had waited for them
to leave and then kidnapped the boy. It seemed to
be getting clearer and clearer to Two Feathers, but
he still had no idea, who or why anyone would want
to kidnap the boy.
To be continued ..............
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What would we do without you
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Hi jennifer, great to see
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I did notice you'd been
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