Sir There's a Waiter In My Wine ( Part Four )

By skinner_jennifer
- 3321 reads
In the distance the Chateau could be seen as we fast approached down the dusty lane. The views for miles were breathtaking as we sat in the back bumping over uneven ground, though the jolting never bothered either of us, me and Anna had our minds on other things. It was a pleasant evening as we finally pulled into the car park with the fragrance of jasmine drifting on a warm breeze.
Flowers were displayed in boxes and containers everywhere and especially in the courtyard, where pots of jasmine sent us on a trip of rapturous memories of back home, reminding me of the sweet perfumes that had us in blissful joy, and were our favorite flowers growing in mum and dad's hotel garden during the long hot summer months.
Also night scented stocks drifted on the air too. It was all wonderful and added to the mood of the late afternoon.
“How can we leave this place now?” Noted Anna gazing at Luca with dreamy eyes as he stepped out of the truck.
“I have to admit it's a real shame,” I replied, “but I'm sure there will be lots of other guys to keep us occupied when we travel further south.” I tried to sound positive, but realized deep down that she had fallen head over heals for Luca. The guys certainly knew how to look after their bodies...phew! I could hardly contain my own feelings.
Marco and Luca pulled the back of the truck down and helped us as we jumped out still smiling. “Come, lovely ladies you go get ready. We look forward to seeing you later...yes.” They started to walk away towards the chateau where some other guys were waiting. Music had already begun as we walked across the gravel courtyard which was also a car park too. Turning we waved to the brothers who wolf whistled and blew kisses. Marco called out. “See you in an hour!”
Giggling to ourselves and walking arm in arm, we made our way to reception which you entered through a swing door, into what was quite a small area with a wood paneled front desk. Smiling at the receptionist we asked for the signing in book which she produced from under the work top, then gave us our keys wishing us a good evening.
Once we'd signed in, quickly we made our way to our accommodation one of the large chalets that was spacious with two double rooms which we shared with a couple of other girls who worked in the olive gardens. There was also a living area with a radio which also had an inbuilt intercom to reception in case we had a problem that needed sorting out.
Putting the key in the lock and opening the door I called out, but our companions were definitely not in, so we dashed to our room giggling and stripping off even before we reached the bedroom, it was quite a normal thing for us to do, though we wouldn't have if the other girls had been there, we didn't want to give them the impression that we were anything more than friends, it was just that we felt comfortable with each other and never once thought about the awkwardness of being naked.
Now stripped and scrambling to the bathroom almost tripping over trying to be the first to grab the soap. Putting the plug in the bath we entered, pouring in some bubbles and turned on the taps waiting for it to fill up, which didn't take long with the great gush of water that poured out. Sitting down and getting comfortable I sponged Anna's back while she took the shampoo rubbing it into her blonde hair, I remember sniffing the refreshing fragrance of lemons thinking how energized it made me feel. Then it was my turn to get the pampering treatment, as I turned around letting out a sigh of relief. After soaking we released the water and the aches and pains disappeared down the plughole with the soapy suds.
Once we were well and truly clean, it was time to get out and towel dry. Leaving the confines of the bath tub, we stepped out and again rushed to the bedroom to begin wiping each other down and smoothing skin care cream over our bodies.
“Stay still!” I declared as Anna continued to fidget. “I'll rub some aloe vera into your sunburn.” It didn't look too bad and Anna was glad she'd kept covered up that day. Having her shoulders smoothed with the lotion was so soothing and left her feeling like she was ready to party, which we both were.
We were lucky enough to have kept a bottle of bubbly for some special occasion, this was just one of those perfect times, so pouring a couple of glasses and chatting we clenched our faces as the first sip of bubbles had us squinting then laughing. We continued to blow-dry our hair making sure we looked our best.
Now we were ready to leave admiring ourselves in the long mirror that hung from the wall. I wore my yellow dress which slipped over my head and fell beautifully over my slim tanned figure, this was matched with flat light brown sandals instead of high heels, I wanted to feel free and they gave me more confidence.
Anna on the other hand wore a long, slinky black number with sling back high heels making her look slightly taller than myself. Keeping her makeup sultry to detract from her sunburn, optimistic Luca would submit to her passion, she was hoping they'd have some private time together after the party.
“Don't be disappointed if nothing happens,” I mentioned, knowing how disheartened Anna could get.
“Come on Ellie,” she uttered, “they fancy us something rotten it's so obvious, you saw the way they ogled us up and down.” Anna was now hurrying in her heels towards the door dragging me by the hand eager to get to the party.
I just had time to pick up the door keys before we were off. With the door banged shut we scuttled off arm in arm along the path which led to reception. We could hear music already playing as we crossed the gravel courtyard.
With Anna's high heels scrunching across the stones their was expectation in the air. “Looks like they're having the party in one of the barns,” she announced feeling slightly worried, pointing towards the colored lanterns that hung from outside.
Our hearts were beating fast when we saw Marco and Luca, still both dressed in their open necked white shirts and jeans, looking like they were ready for much celebration.
Marco was the first to spot us as he rubbed his hands together, walking quickly over followed by Luca who couldn't stop eyeing up Anna in her sexy black number.
“Come, come ladies, we in hurry to party.” Said Marco waving us on. He grabbed my hand as Luca took Anna's. Turning to face us he commented. “You both you say? Gorgeous.”
Smiling we were feeling happy that they made the effort, Marco reminding me of a young Italian singer Claudio Baglioni one of my favorite musicians.
At this point Mia broke Ellie's train of thought. “Gran.” She asked thoughtfully.
“Yes love, what is it?” I asked loosing my train of the story.
“Who is Claudio Baglioni?” Mia was puzzled by the strange name having no idea who he was.
“Well Mia, he was one of the most famous Italian singers of that time. I loved his music so much and he was very good looking, just like that singer you love – what's his name?”
Mia smiled and swooned. “You mean Justin Bieber?”
“Yes! He's the one. So anyway, back to my story.” I was desperate to get back to those happy days of Italy. “Marco was making so much effort to make us feel at home, he could hardly contain his enthusiasm.
“We show you off to family and friends, yes?” He said it like he was asking our permission, but I knew the Italians were very forward and he was just confirming how proud they were to be with us.
The barn was full of noisy people both young and old. There was a live band playing Italian folk music. I first noticed the guy on the violin with his shoulder length hair, he tapped away with his foot reeling out on the strings as people hit the floor, while another guy on an accordion in traditional costume smiled seeming to enjoy the youngsters who were performing a folk dance. Both of us felt overdressed as jeans clad boys and girls turned in a circle whooping to the music.
Anna was convinced she'd be the belle of the ball, but now all she wanted to do was go back to their room and change into something more appropriate. “Come on Ellie, we need to wear our jeans, this is ridiculous.” She tugged on my arm pulling me towards the entrance.
I of course wasn't having any of it. “Look! You go and change if you want, I'm quite happy in what I'm wearing even if everyone else is casual.” I stared down at Anna's high heels and shook my head. “I did warn you not to wear those shoes, that's why I wore flat sandals.”
Anna shrugged and crept away without saying another word, leaving me to join in the dancing which I was quite happy to do. It was only when Marco approached me that I stopped.
“Here's a drink lovely lady.” He declared. “Where's your room mate gone?” He gazed around as he handed me a glass of champagne.
“She's just gone back to our room to change into her jeans, she thought it was going to be a swanky party.” I thanked Marco and sipped my drink. “Wow! Those bubbles are very fizzy, but nice.” I just loved champagne.
We walked over to one of the long tables at the end of the barn which was laden with food, there was cold meats and cheeses, salads, olives and even a huge round cake in the middle that was covered in blue icing. My appetite had somewhat diminished by now, especially when I could feel Marco's stare and wanted to smother him in kisses, though I think it was the atmosphere and champagne loosening me up.
He took me in his arms and we began to smooch as the lively music slowed down, his touch was so gentle as he stroked my back making me shudder, though I tried hard not to show it.
When the music stopped, Mr Locatelli the owner of the Chateau and vineyard came over and asked if I'd like to have a go at stomping my own grapes to make into my own personal bottle of wine. He was a burly tall man who always appeared dressed casually even when working in his office. I got on well with him and had a deep respect for his wife who enjoyed her job of looking after her family, including her Mother who was almost eighty.
The Mother was a kindly old soul with grayish hair that was always covered by a scarf, she would sit in the kitchen muttering to herself, or quite happily in the garden watching people come and go. How I wish I could have conversed with her, but she never spoke any English so we never got around to talking apart from smiling and saying hello, I would have loved listening to her stories of when she was young, just like you love listening to my stories.
Mia smiled. “Go on Gran, tell me what happened next.”
Well I couldn't say no to Mr Locatelli and I certainly did want to stomp the grape, it was something I never thought I'd get the chance to do, but I needed to wait for Anna to return. He seemed to understand and pointed to one of the other barns where people were already having a go. Mr Lombardi was directing everyone as he always did and making sure they hosed down their feet before they got in.
Barrels were set four foot apart with room enough for two people to a barrel, the challenge was too really stomp hard to get the grapes crushed to a fine pulp. Children were having so much fun they didn't want to let anybody else have a go until Mr Lombardi ordered them out. I can't help feeling that you would have loved to take part Mia. Turning to her granddaughter she whispered. “Maybe one day you'll get the chance to go to Italy and stomp the grape.”
Mia gazed excitedly at Ellie. “Would you take me gran?”
“Oh, I'm not sure I could cope with the traveling anymore love, I like it just fine here. But when you get older you could travel with a friend like I did.”
“I'd like that gran, maybe my best friend Beth will come with me.” Ellie could just imagine her Granddaughter and Beth doing exactly what she and Anna had done.
“Just maybe you will love.” Ellie carried on with her story. The general rule was that each person went in the barrel till they'd crushed enough grapes for a bottle of wine, then someone else could have a go.
I did wait for Anna to return but saw her disappear with Marco's twin brother Luca, she was now dressed in bell-bottom jeans and a cheesecloth top, so I decided to go in on my own.
Making my way to the barrels and watching how stomping was done, Marco came over and said he wasn't really interested in crushing grapes and was off to talk to his mates, which left me on my own once more. Finally after nearly an hour's wait I got my turn, Mr Lombardi hosed down my feet then filled the barrel once again with loads of grapes.
Stepping into the squidgy, slippery fruit my feet sank and I began giggling while trying to keep my balance which wasn't easy, so I held onto Mr Lombardi's arm, it was only after some time of squishing around that I managed to get into the swing of things.
There was so much noise and laughing going on around, I didn't notice someone step in behind me until a hand reached onto my shoulder, the next thing I looked down and there was another pair of feet.
Thinking it was Marco I turned and smiled, but was surprised to see one of the Waiters that had been serving drinks earlier standing behind me, he was tall dark and handsome and I felt embarrassed by this good looking waiter, his touch left me with yet another fluttering feeling inside which I seemed to be experiencing a lot today.
Mr Lombardi went to tell him to get out, but I wasn't having any of that and said it was okay, I wanted this gorgeous waiter to remain. “Sir!” I declared. “It's alright if this waiter helps me to make my bottle of wine, in fact I don't mind at all.”
Brushing Mia's hair back Ellie noted. “And that my dear is how I met Brian your wonderful Grandfather and the rest is history.”
“But what about Marco Gran, what happened to him?”
“Oh! Yes, well it's like this, I had to explain that as me and Anna would be leaving the next day it wasn't worth us carrying on any form of relationship. Brian the waiter I found out was from London and we'd so much more in common. After exchanging addresses we started writing to each other when I got home. I have to say that it was love at first sight for both of us.
As you know your granddad has a soft spot for you, I think it's because you remind him of me when I was a little older than you. Fate has a funny way of leading you to the one you fall in love with.”
“I've got another question!” Inquired Mia biting her bottom lip.
“Okay, but then we really must be going.
“Did you ever get to drink the bottle of wine you made?”
“Oh yes, me and Anna managed to hitch a lift back to the chateau and picked it up on our way home, stopping off one more time to say our last farewells before heading back to England. Your grandfather and I drank that wine on our second meeting, when he came to stay for a long weekend. It was a full bodied red wine that brought back so many happy memories.”
The beach was still full of people, though not as many as when they'd first arrived as a breeze had picked up, but it was still hot as late afternoon arrived.
Come on love we'd better head back up to the hotel. I need to get some dinner on and chef will be wondering what's happened to me.”
“Just one more question gran.” For Mia it was a never-ending story that she knew would continue another day.
“And what's that love?” Said Ellie standing up and stretching.
“Did Anna your friend ever end up with Marco's twin brother Luca?”
“Sadly no, as I said we moved on further South and ended up working in a hotel as waitresses for the rest of the Summer, but Anna and I would never forget that beautiful time harvesting grapes.
The End.
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fate and a happy ending. Love
fate and a happy ending. Love at first sight. emm she seemed to fall in love so frequently that at first sight it meant flight.
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Great. I'd maybe think about
Great. I'd maybe think about splitting the first sentence of paragraph 2 into two parts. Maybe read it aloud and see where a breath might go. Similar one a few paragraphs on. Maybe "belle of the ball". The story has a lovely twist, meeting Brian, Mia's grandad. The switch between the recollection and the present is really nicely done. Very natural. I like it a lot. Good ending, Jenny.
Parson Thru
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Dear Jenny,
Dear Jenny,
having gone through three helpings of this marathon love story, I could not miss the conclusion and here I am to congratulate you on such gripping writing truly deserving of the cherries. There were a few typos throughout, which I believe you corrected as they were being pointed out, but they did not spoil the readers' enjoyment. Well done.
Luigi xx
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A wonderful feel-good escape
A wonderful feel-good escape to an Italian summer long ago with a happy ending - what's not to like? I won't mention the typos as you've had loads of help with those, and as Luigi says, they don't spoil the reader's enjoyment. Well done!
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I gather there is a lot of
I gather there is a lot of memories of holidaying in Italy fuelling your vivid descriptions here, Jenny.
I was amused by the down-to-earth contrast between her giggling flirting and the barefoot squidgy stomping in the barrels of grapes, even worth the long queueing for the experience. And the twist to the real lasting love story at the end is nice, and her relationship with her granddaughter. Rhiannon
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Partying, stomping the grapes
Partying, stomping the grapes, what a great story
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Loved this so much. You have
Loved this so much. You have a nice way of creating anticipation in the story and I had to read all four parts in one sitting and was so glad I did. I Loved the characters you developed, the grandmother and granddaughter, and I did not see the twist coming, loved that her true love showed up in the last minutes and we already know the love lasted. Thanks for sharing this one.
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