Sir There's A Waiter In My Wine Part Three )

By skinner_jennifer
- 2033 reads
Mia stopped her Gran in mid sentence when a flock of seagulls circled overhead distracting her attention. “Look at the birds Gran, there's load of them.” She uttered shading her eyes from the rays that crossed the ever blue sky.
Ellie stared up watching them pitch on the seawall. “Looks like those people that took our table are feeding the gulls.” She tutted annoyed at holiday makers bringing birds to the food table. Had she been around when they were doing it she'd have said something, even if they were to give her abuse about minding her own business, they didn't have the dam gulls crapping all over their property, they'd probably see things in a different light if the hotel were theirs. “Let's get back to my story, I know you'll be hungry soon and ready for tea.”
“Okay.” Mia rested her head on Gram's lap, ready to hear the rest of the story. Ellie smiled as she reflected on what happened next.
While Anna and I were making our way back to the vehicles, we both noticed two new guys getting out of one of the trucks and exchanged smiling glances. “Well!” I said feeling confident that our luck was in, “this is a turn up for the books.” The two males were dressed exactly the same and were like mirror reflections.
Anna's gaze was one of scrutiny, not quite believing that they were real. She rubbed her eyes exclaiming. “Am I seeing double, or did the two most strikingly attractive men just get out of that truck?”
I grabbed my friends hand and squeezed it tight. “Stay calm, don't let them see you're interested, just keep on walking.” For the first time since I'd been grape picking I felt butterflies begin to flutter in my stomach. “darn they're gorgeous.” I said under my breath.
Neither of us could contain our excitement at the two dark haired, tanned skinned, mysterious guys. Both were slim and wore jeans and open necked white shirts. We gawped some more with mouths open. The two males wandered towards us, both combing their hair back in unison, sauntering closer. “Surely they can't work here they look too clean and tidy.” I placed a hand up to my chest. “Be still my beating heart,” I declared. “Close your...your mouth.” I whispered staring at Anna's face.
“Buona Sera! Signorinas.” Voiced the lad to my left. “Come Stai?”
I knew they were asking how we were, so replied. “ Sto bene Grazie.”
We girls could speak a little Italian, but weren't fluent and hoped the guys could speak English. I decided to ask, knowing that Anna would be too shy and enamored. “Parli inglese?” I waited for their reply still holding Anna's hand.
Their was a moments pause...then one of the guys replied. “Yeah! We speak English. My name's Marco and this is my twin brother Luca.” Marco seemed to be the most out spoken of the two, he winked and gave me a charming smile as he spoke, such a wide grin that he lifted up my spirits.
We could feel the brothers ogling us up and down as if we were prize stallions, it was a bit unnerving but flattering too. “My name's Ellie and this is my friend Anna.” I said. It was hard to contain my excitement.
“So!” remarked Marco. “You come to our beautiful country to pick the grape?” He gazed at me with a confidence that left this nervous girl unable to control the twitch in her cheeks, as I giggled feeling totally out of my comfort zone.
“There can't be any better place to work than being surrounded by such wonderful scenery.” I declared gazing around anywhere but at Marco, and placing a hand over my mouth embarrassed by the dratted tremble that just wouldn't stop.
“Then ladies you've come to the right place.” Replied Marco very confident in himself. “You're staying at the and your friend?”
I finally managed to get control of myself and replied. “We are, but we're only here till tomorrow, then we move on further South.”
“That's too bad,” replied Marco. “So...our Uncle tells us about you two lovely ladies. He owns all this land and the Chateau.” He spread his arms wide staring out into the distance. “Uncle told us that pretty girls were working for him and wanted us to meet you. You stay for our big birthday celebration tonight? We look after you lovely ladies, they'll be music, wine and the tastiest food.”
We couldn't resist this offer and looked at one another before replying in unison. “Yes! We'd love to come!” We both began giggling like two naughty teenagers, suddenly forgetting all our plans of moving on.
Luca nudged his brother then took Anna's arm in a hurry to get back to the Chateau. “Come, we take you back in truck, you get ready, meet us in reception?”
All signs of tiredness had diminished, we were ready to party hard. It felt like all our dreams had come true as we followed the boys back to their truck.
We were just getting ready to jump in the back when Mr Romano the 2nd-level manager came over needing to know we were okay, he was doing a head count and approached the brothers. “Greetings boys, I hope you are both well?” The brothers did the thumbs up and said they'd come up to the Chateau for their birthdays.
Mr Romano was a kindly, sprite character in his late thirties who was full of energy with his ginger beard and fair freckled skin, which he claimed was from his mother's Irish side of the family, he would keep himself covered up at all times in long sleeved cheesecloth shirts, on his head a flat cap would sit covering the bald patch that would burn the moment it saw sunlight. He always wore a neckerchief declaring however hot it was it kept him cool even in bed at night.
“You girls need to sign the book when you return to reception so I know you've got back safely.” It wasn't that he didn't trust the brothers, but asserted his managerial position, hoping we girls had a good time as it was our last night.
So all that was left was to get ready to party as we jumped in the back of the brothers truck taking one last look around at the view.
To be continued...
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Waiter! There's wine in my . . .
I just love the title—a waiter in your wine indeed! On Valentine’s Day this made genteel, delightful reading. Well done!
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his managerial postion. not
his managerial postion. not Managerial. And I'd say bald patch. I've got one of those, but I haven't got a bold patch. looking forward to the next part.
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Another two boiling chapters
Another two boiling chapters for a cold day's read! Seems like another world, grape-picking, and hard work.
I hope they don't turn out too naive, the boys sound nice, but they do seem to be assuming a lot from first sight, and setting out to 'catch' them.
[She tutted annoyed at holiday makers for bringing food to the birds table – I think you probably meant to type 'for bringing birds to the food table' ??] Rhiannon
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You're keeping the story
You're keeping the story moving along nicely.
Parson Thru
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