Shatter .:11: "Accident" :.
By StarryEyedDefiance
- 456 reads
Angrily, I storm over to where the Hulk was leading me. A car, much bigger than Dash’s. I look to Hulk and say bossily, “My clothes?”
“They’re in here.” He says, nodding his head ever so slightly towards the car. He escorted me to the passenger side of the car and opens my door.
“I guess chivalry isn’t dead.” I murmur sarcastically and get in. The car was HUGE and I’m pretty sure reinforced in a way to make it pretty damaging to anything it hit.
“You’re much more compliant than I imagined.” He says as he gets in. “They told me you were a hell of a lot of work to deal with.”
“Oh? Because if they thought I was bad then they’ll hate to see me when I’m upset.” I spit at him. I lean the chair back more than needed and cross my arms over my chest. I pout my bottom lip and wait in silence for SOMETHING. I know I’m not bait this time because Dash would’ve said something. I’m sure of it. “Who the hell is Emma?” He slows the speeding car.
“Yeah. Who the hell is this dead Emma?” He looks at me, his eyebrow quirked.
“Because I asked!” I snap.
“You DO know I’m dangerous?” He asks, amused by my demands.
“Anyone the size of the God damned Hulk is dangerous.” I mutter. He chuckles.
“You’re a big old bundle of energy, aren’t you?” He asks. A long time passes before I say,
“You know, I’d rather NOT know your name. I mean, when I call you Hulk it’s a term of endearment.” He smiles. His lips are unusually thin, his face very tanned by the sun, and his eyes are almost always squinted, as if searching off in the distance or maybe just thinking. The only time they weren’t was when he seemed to be enjoying himself.
I check the clock. We’ve been driving for half an hour. I grunt and reposition my body to face the window. The land passing by us was about as exciting as watching grass grow. I groan and try to be as annoying as possible, grunting, snorting, tapping to annoying beats. Nothing gets past Hulk.
“Why am I so important?” He looks off, his eyes just slits. Obviously he’s trying to find a way to phrase it.
“Your soul is valuable and so is your blood.” He says after a couple of minutes.
“WHY?” I ask like an annoyed teenage girl. Truly, I’m bored and want a distraction from my horrible thoughts.
“Your soul because of Dash and your blood because it’s OH so rich.” He says, kissing his fingers like he was some sort of chef. I roll my eyes.
“You guys are WAY too cocky, you know? Walking around like you’re all badass. It’s appalling, really. I mean, you act like new-age vampires with a twist.” I say, not impressed. He laughs heartily.
“Where do you get off criticizing us like you know us, like you know about us?”
“Because you are all barging in on my once normal life! You’re ALL cocky as hell, you all have this sense of superiority, this white knight syndrome! I mean, what the hell? It’s all villains and heroes with you guys. You’re all so...intense!” I say, letting out some of my anger and aggression.
“And you people always walk around thinking your better than any other creature on this earth. Your entire population is a wave of corrupt selfish bastards who think of no one but themselves and how much money they can make.” He retorts. I snort.
“I see I’ve done wrong by you.” I say. “In my experience, the ones of you who I’ve met, have acted as I described.”
“Ditto.” I sigh.
“So where are we going, Hulk?” I ask, finally letting myself relax.
“Uh...New York I think. We’re in....where the hell are we? Lovington, New Mexico. Yup. Lovington.”
“Not feeling the love.” I say, running my fingers through my hair. “Are we seriously DRIVING all the way to New York? I mean, that’s like...quite a bit of ground to cover in this beast.” He snorts while laughing.
“You want to know what’s a long ride, riding a horse from Washington to Florida.” I laugh.
“You’re not SERIOUS, are you? What the hell kind of horse could cover that ground?”
“Took almost a new horse every state since I wasn't allowed to stop for anything.” He says.
“So, you’re a traveling man?” I ask when suddenly the car comes to a screeching halt. The seatbelt strangles me, making aware that at least I’m safe from going through the windshield.
The car screeches and squeals as it spins. I grab onto the door and try to keep in one position. The screeching never seems to stop but when it does it’s dead silent.
“Hulk?” I ask, looking over at him. He has his eyes closed, his body pressed with a large amount of pressure against the back of his seat. He's breathing, thinking, conjuring?
Looking out to the middle of the road, I let out a gasp. Him. Him again. In that same billowing overcoat, dressed head to toe in black. Despite the black of his clothing being one of the deepest and darkest I’ve ever seen, his eyes make them look dull and gray. They’re attached to me.
The car’s door starts to vibrate. The vibrations get stronger and it begins to shake. The rest of the car is still except my door.
The scene reminded me of one of those airplane movies when the airplane is crashing. The door gets sucked off and thrown into the air below with unimaginable force.
That’s what my door did. I let out a scream because that was terrifying. I’m surprised I didn’t piss myself, honestly. He’s standing there, hand outstretched towards me, as if I were a proper lady that should accept his offer of help out of the car.
“HULK!” I shout, turning and seeing him dead with a large shard of glass through his head. Another scream escapes and my body goes into panic mode. I unbuckle my seatbelt and scramble into the back row of the car. Those doors flies off just like the first except this time it was more dramatic because the windshield bursts. Another scream escapes my lips but I’m crawling from the hole that the door once covered.
Out onto the lonely road I’m running. My feet crunch under the glass as I make my terrified escape. I chance a look behind me, like the idiot I am, and see him just a few inches behind me, standing as if he’d been there the entire time.
Another scream escapes my lips. HE is about to catch me. The actual enemy, the actual one to fear. This isn’t a person to joke with, a person who will take my demands. He wants me dead like no one ever has and he will achieve it.
“DASH! DASH I NEED YOU!” I scream, running faster though I know, once I look behind me again, he’ll be right there. “DASH I NEED YOU TO SAVE ME!” I scream. Don’t fall, I keep telling myself.
I try to stop but I’m not graceful, I don’t run often, and I have absolutely no sense of balance. I skid a bit and my body flies forward but I don’t fall.
“I....” I try to speak but can’t find words. His eyes capture mine and I can’t move.
“Come with me, Trinity. We’ve much to do.” He says, reaching out towards me. My heart aches and tries to escape my body, afraid to be touched by him. But my body responds. My body takes his hand despite my brain screaming to run again. “We have SO much to do.” His voice is soft and calm, but dripping with golden triumph.
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