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Dr.Grimgravy once said that I have the situation of looking at the clock exactly at 9:11 pm/am. It is weird, but it seems I look at the clock at exactly 9:11 all the time.
So I drink a single shot of highland hooch like every night after dinner. I bet you a hundred bucks I'll have some tonight. Weeeiiiirrd. If it doesn't appear that the clock is moving...perhaps it's time to change the battery. It could be that 9:11 initially stood out as an important time because it reminded me of the American emergency telephone number or it reminded me of 11th September. I probably look at the clock at loads of different times but none of them seem to mean anything to me. If the time were 1:23 I’d probably notice it as well. I was just reading about 'synchronicity' today. I'm not joking. Ha-ha. I was reading in some Reader's Digest book about how Carl Jung coined the term. I'm not reading too much into that though. I have heard it before. And now, of course, I'll be seeing something about this phenomenon again sometime in the near future... I had this kind of thing when encountering some new words in English. I found and understood their meaning and then it suddenly started to appear everywhere.. literally everywhere.. songs on the radio, books, newspapers.. weird, but goddamn interesting.
Then again, maybe the only thing interesting about this "phenomenon" is that somebody thought it deserved a name.. so the more recently I experience something the more I notice it.. duh! Try this on for size. This happened to me a few years ago, but it all happened within about a week’s time. True story:
Friday: I got to a young adults worship thing called Faith Focus at one church, and the pastor was talking about anger based in Matthew 12 where Jesus says, “Out of the abundance of the heart, the mouth speaks.” Sunday, the teacher is teaching about something generally unrelated, the Beatitudes in Matthew 5. We’ve been going through them one by one, and that Sunday we were either on “Blessed are the peacemakers,” or “Blessed are the meek.” At any rate, the teacher used the week’s Beatitude to teach about how we shouldn’t let our temper get the best of us. This was at a different church than Faith Focus, and the teacher had no knowledge of the topic from Faith Focus’ lesson. Thursday I went to a Bible study where it was just me and several guys, and we had previously chosen to start studying Romans 1, which goes on and on and on about the wrath of God, and the study book we were using compared the just wrath of God to the usually selfish anger of men. So God uses Baader-Meinhof to tell us things? Well that’s just a fine how-do-you-do... that happens to me more than once a week!
Whoa.. I just knew I was going to put up about this.. happens to me about every other day. I was just thinking about how recently this had been occurring more and more to me and then I stumble upon this article... Baader indeed. I get that "hey, I just heard that the other day feeling" all the time. Reminds me of the time I played with Beneath A Steel Sky and a week later everyone used the word ‘vigilant’ a lot. This phenomenon also commonly known as a "plate of shrimp". See, a lot of people don't realise what's really going on. They view life as a bunch of unconnected incidents 'n things. They don't realise that there's this, like, lattice of coincidence that lays on top of everything. Give you an example to show you what I mean: suppose you're thinkin' about a plate of shrimp. Suddenly someone will say, like, plate, or shrimp, or plate of shrimp out of the blue, no explanation. No point in lookin' for one, either. It's all part of a cosmic unconsciousness.
It's still damn interesting though… like the one I'm trying to dream up right now. I have experienced the same type of phenomenon of checking the clock at the same time every day but isn't this simply coincidence or Jung's synchronicity? Once my mind thinks about something I start to pay more attention to it and then I start to see it everywhere. It is weird how the SAME numbers keep reappearing on the clock every 12 hours or so.
Dr. Grimgravy says not to worry. I’ll get this Baader-Meinhof phenomenon every single day.
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