Heart Songs ( Poetry Monthly

By torscot
Sun, 18 Mar 2018
- 3867 reads
apply no CPR
or defibrillator
take this
heart of mine
give to another
squeeze it
please it
make it sing
songs full of joy
let it hum along
the notes are there
the score within
each breath I take
slow and shallow
new tunes
for one and all
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1 User voted this as great feedback
A lovely idea for Poetry
A lovely idea for Poetry Monthly. If we could donate our heart with its feelings and songs, how would we cultivate it?! Rhiannon
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A good interpretation of the
Permalink Submitted by luigi_pagano on
A good interpretation of the I.P., torscot. Many would rejoice at the organ donation and the chance of prolonging their life.
Best, Luigi
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