

A hundred moments in autism - The Royal Mile

As an introverted autist, shouting for people to look at me is not something deep-rooted in my DNA, very much the opposite. I am flyering my wife’s...

A hundred moments in autism - Alan Ritson comes to visit

Alan Ritson came to visit my house twice in all the years I knew him (hi Alan, if you’re reading this) The first time I was in the front room...

A hundred moments in autism - The day I lied to a politician

Labour Party conference 2007. Our charity is part of a joint fringe event called the Health Hotel, involving representatives from over twenty health...

A hundred moments in autism - The ideas mine

I am always looking for story ideas, constantly on the lookout for an overheard phrase, a character, a situation, anything that triggers an idea. For...

A hundred moments in autism - Jules Verne’s ducks

I don’t have a special interest, unlike many autists. Well, unless you count Jules Verne. I have read all his books available in English, indeed, the...

A hundred moments in autism - A walk along the river

It is after five, so there are few people about, just me and my wife, 30 minutes each way, just us and the ducks, and the ducks aren’t doing much. On...

A hundred moments in autism - Alone

Yes! I am all alone. I enter the office to find nobody else has arrived. I almost skip with joy. PTSD victims often describe the terror when they...
Gold cherry
Poem of the week

Memento Mori

You’re frightened by time Last frolics of fading white lies Risky, holding facts You drop them from your dry lips Search for them on the floor...

The Envelope: God's Provision

The early 1980s were a scary time for parents with toddlers. A week did not go by without the media reporting children developing Reye’s syndrome, an often fatal condition following a viral infection like the flu or chickenpox.

A Child of Great Promise

After two miscarriages, Liz and I quietly began to accept the prospect of being childless. Then, in 1974, we received the good news that we were with child again.