Martaro As I hop, skip and flop down the raised porch of Miffy's flat, I think, as I often tend to, about her body. Her arms, still mismatched to a degree, remind me of an old cartoon in which a plasticine man is given a jumper for his birthday by a well-wishing plasticine auntie. Only problem is that it being her first outing into knitting, she has made one sleeve horrendously long and the other practically tee shirt length. Rather than hurt her feelings by exposing her awful handiwork, the plasticine man comes up with a solution. Upon his aunt's next visit, he dons the wonky jumper and adjusts his own arms to fit. Thus her feelings are spared and she can go on creating knitwear for all and sundry, oblivious to the fact of its lop-sided grotesqueness. Changing the body to fit the garment.