71 of my comments have received 71 Great Feedback votes
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Thank you for your feedback.
Posted on Wed, 27 Feb 2019
Thank you for your feedback. No, I don't like social media as a rule and do not have Facebook. I'm happy for those that want it, just not for me. My life has been quite a busy and a complex one. i often wonder about faces from the past. ...
I didn't intend to read from start to finish, but I did and loved it. I know that feeling that comes back in an instant when a smell hits my senses. I still wonder at the completness of the experience that includes the emotion of that moment...
Not just the poem, but the photo transported me. You paint pictures with words and I am grateful for this beautiful piece. I rarely write about the countryside, but poems like thiis are not only beatifully crafted but an inspiration.
i loved this poem. I spent years splashing cash thinking it would impress. Then my daughter came along with gifts that meant so much and I was transformed. A message of love in each gift. Caring...a huge plus in the world of giving.
This is an amazing piece of writing. The only thing wrong with it is that I wish that I'd written it. I write a lot of stuff about the Cosmos and time itself. This hits so many different levels and resonates in each.
Sadly no. It was good old Google images, but as a child I would walk the lonely beaches and wonder at what the tide had brought in...where it came from, what stories it had to tell...I think you get my drift
I love poems that evoke imanges and this one (for me) is full of them. I was also taken to 'Nowhere Man' by the Beatles and 'Crossroads' by Don McLean. I guess its the roads connection, but for me poems that take my mind on a journey are worth...
Your work never dissapoints and I simply adored the rhythm of this poem. For some reason I was transported back to a famous piece of work 'the night mail' and the rhythm in that. A really inspiring piece of work Rhiannon. Well done...again!
Thank you for your feedback.
Posted on Wed, 27 Feb 2019
Thank you for your feedback. No, I don't like social media as a rule and do not have Facebook. I'm happy for those that want it, just not for me. My life has been quite a busy and a complex one. i often wonder about faces from the past. ...
Read full commentPosted in The Sixties....In My Sixties
Posted on Tue, 26 Feb 2019
I didn't intend to read from start to finish, but I did and loved it. I know that feeling that comes back in an instant when a smell hits my senses. I still wonder at the completness of the experience that includes the emotion of that moment...
Read full commentPosted in FAMILY CONNECTIONS
Posted on Mon, 18 Feb 2019
I so totally agree with your poem. When I read a poem and wish 'I'd written it' then it comes from gratitude for putting into words what I have felt.
Eyes say so much and it is true that they too can lie, but often they reveal a deeper...
Read full commentPosted in Looking out, glimpsing in
Posted on Wed, 20 Feb 2019
Not just the poem, but the photo transported me. You paint pictures with words and I am grateful for this beautiful piece. I rarely write about the countryside, but poems like thiis are not only beatifully crafted but an inspiration.
Read full commentPosted in The fruit of the elm
Classroom Assistants are
Posted on Thu, 21 Feb 2019
Classroom Assistants are vastly underated and underpaid. Their value to any truly colaboratively minded teacher is invaluable.
I always listen to their advice and observations; they have a much clearer picture of the individual student...
Read full commentPosted in Free From Fear
You've done it again
Posted on Mon, 14 Jan 2019
i loved this poem. I spent years splashing cash thinking it would impress. Then my daughter came along with gifts that meant so much and I was transformed. A message of love in each gift. Caring...a huge plus in the world of giving.
Read full commentPosted in The Value of the Gift
Posted on Fri, 11 Jan 2019
This is an amazing piece of writing. The only thing wrong with it is that I wish that I'd written it. I write a lot of stuff about the Cosmos and time itself. This hits so many different levels and resonates in each.
It is more than...
Read full commentPosted in Drift
That made me smile..
Posted on Thu, 13 Sep 2018
Sadly no. It was good old Google images, but as a child I would walk the lonely beaches and wonder at what the tide had brought in...where it came from, what stories it had to tell...I think you get my drift
Read full commentPosted in Drifting
...to here and nowhere now
Posted on Fri, 24 Aug 2018
I love poems that evoke imanges and this one (for me) is full of them. I was also taken to 'Nowhere Man' by the Beatles and 'Crossroads' by Don McLean. I guess its the roads connection, but for me poems that take my mind on a journey are worth...
Read full commentPosted in The Dirt Road
Posted on Tue, 14 Aug 2018
Your work never dissapoints and I simply adored the rhythm of this poem. For some reason I was transported back to a famous piece of work 'the night mail' and the rhythm in that. A really inspiring piece of work Rhiannon. Well done...again!
Read full commentPosted in Storm