Z Dowd

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
StoryCherished. Z Dowd011 years 7 months ago
StoryCan you feel them? Z Dowd011 years 7 months ago
StoryAlone Z Dowd211 years 7 months ago
CollectionRandom Thoughts Z Dowd011 years 7 months ago
StoryRubber band Z Dowd011 years 8 months ago
StoryPerfect stranger. Z Dowd011 years 8 months ago
StoryPlanets Z Dowd011 years 8 months ago
StoryGrasping. Z Dowd111 years 8 months ago

My collections

My stories

Rubber band

I lie for short periods in a relaxed state, my sole need and purpose being to surround you and hold our lives together. In happy ignorance I live unaware of the arrival of your mood of

Perfect stranger.

I have never wanted anything from you, it's weird and always has been quite the opposite. I would run away, I wanted you to leave if you came, but you stopped anyway. I was indifferent, and


Then all of a sudden you get this light in your eyes, your face, and it's so real you can feel it in your heart. You really can.

Can you feel them?

Sometimes you can feel them, sometimes you can feel their avid legs, dancing upon your skin, so that you know they're there; save yourself.


I would like to beside beneath your ribcage. I would like to stay there, and more than anything, I would like to be kept.
