Maxine Jasmin-Green

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Storyshe is joy Nolan312 years 1 month ago
StoryMy Mummy xx Maxine Jasmin-Green212 years 1 month ago
StoryNear Death Experince Maxine Jasmin-Green212 years 1 month ago


My stories

Boris Johnson And Jeremy Corbyn.

Saw this today on the internet, and in a way, it is SO true: - “Time to remember the best voting advice I have heard, voting isn’t marriage, its...

Jim Parsons and J.K. Rowling.

There are two people alive today, who I really admire. One is Jim Parsons and the other is J.K. Rowling. They are both very famous, but one name will...

Thirty Six Part Two.

Thinking of hobbies, I like to do and shops I like to visit, places to eat out, and work, was thinking about all of this today, when I thought about...

Thirty Six.

Thirty-six, today I heard about this number, but what did the number mean? Did it mean someone gets paid £36 an hour? Or did it mean, thirty-six...

Did The Stars Align?

Recently I met up with some friends, for a coffee, we had planned months in advance to meet, but in the small group of us who would be there was one...
