Maxine Jasmin-Green

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Storyshe is joy Nolan312 years 1 month ago
StoryMy Mummy xx Maxine Jasmin-Green212 years 1 month ago
StoryNear Death Experince Maxine Jasmin-Green212 years 1 month ago


My stories


Yesterday I had a chat on a phone, it was on my Husbands phone, but he didn’t recognise the phone number, so he handed the phone over to me. It was...

Original Trigenic Flex.

On Saturday I bought some wonderful shoes from Clarks. I hadn’t planned to buy shoes from there, but from a different shop but I was passing and...

Galaxy Part Six.

Last Thursday I was at work when I got a phone call from Arc the debt recovery company, it was another one of their Assistants, she introduced...

Slipping Through The Net - Poppy Poppies Part Three.

My Husband Paul was listening to the radio, this week, and he was listening to a modern-day soldier, who had been to Iraq and other places. He’d lost...

Peppa Pig.

Last Saturday, my Husband Paul asked me to buy a potty for our grandson Darius. So, I went to TKMaxx first, I looked in the kids’ section, but there...
