Maxine Jasmin-Green

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TypeTitleAuthorRepliesLast updated
Storyshe is joy Nolan312 years 1 month ago
StoryMy Mummy xx Maxine Jasmin-Green212 years 1 month ago
StoryNear Death Experince Maxine Jasmin-Green212 years 1 month ago


My stories

Two Gods.

So, with nothing rebuilt on the Holy Ground, Travellers moved in with their caravans, lots of them. Oh dear, really it was amazing they hadn’t moved...

You Got Lucky!

I wrote, ‘The Sweets,’ yesterday and in the comments was the words, “You got lucky!” But I don’t believe in luck, good or bad. I’m not superstitious...

The Sweets.

A young lad, decided he wanted to do his bit for the building fund, this was using his own initiative, he wanted people to guess how many sweets were...

The Tent Of Meeting.

Many years ago, the powers that be, at my place of worship decided to knock down the place of worship, I’d been going to for about twenty years, my...


Yesterday I had a lovely day at work, I worked with two lovely people and time went quickly. I planned after work to post my Mum’s birthday gift and...
