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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456537 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

delapruch's picture

My stories


the first of april

the first of april looming over the horizon one step away from the coming summer, with a spring that will zoom through quicker than you can say the word quick & we’re standing

the hospital wait

sitting in the waiting room during the designated “visiting hours” means nothing to the loved one in turmoil--- for while the reality of the person on the bed in the cutting room

skittles & iced tea

*To sign the petition created by Martin’s parents to prosecute George Zimmerman, go to:


a lack of compassion drives the “sane” to be “sinister”--- ne’er was a truth so certain to be than to deprive a person of freedom & then wonder what will happen as a


oh the lowly shrink decorating themselves as a master of the mind & then looming over the innocent that have come to them, sometimes as a last resort
