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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456561 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

their loss

never has complete denial torn a person up so much inside (while doing its best to plaster the charade of a smile across a face) as when someone agrees with a friend, a family member,

tone deaf

tone deaf & hoping for a break s/he lifts up their glass & after dedicating this song s/he’s about to sing to said celebrated person of the evening, s/he belts into a rendition of


il ya ceux qui lorsqu'on lui a demandé ce que leur musique préférée est, affirment qu'ils aiment «tout» et puis dans le même souffle, vous pouvez mentionner une bande ou un interprète qui


take comfort in the fact that things can always be worse & after you are done taking comfort in that fact, rest your head on the best days of your life because they are disappearing at a


this person running at the gym she does it not because she needs to stay fit she does it not because she wants to look hot she does it not because she has to appear younger or healthier
