supporting the anti-communists in the Soviet Union from 1944 to 1989--- supporting al-Za’im in Syria in 1949--- installing Shah Mohammed Reza Pahlevi in 1953 Iran---
when placed under the microscope all the flaws will show & no matter how far one runs from the past, it will tap you on the shoulder--- what makes the light shine bright
just how do you spend your hours & the company you keep? do you spend your days alone, nose to the grindstone, nose to the grindstone? a good little american does what
keeping the rest of us locked out the community planned is the building of the little kingdoms all equipped with their walls & if they could afford it, get the permits,
considering the death of a friend who has not died yet, who in fact is in perfect health, or a parent, a family member, all who walk & talk beside you, giving one the