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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456016 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

a change in behavior

after the luster subsides & the background music leaves the scene, the two who couldn’t keep their hands off one another, begin to start a campaign of mutual surveillance,

radical treatments

haven’t all cures in the making for the ailments which once did us humans in, been considered “radical treatments” or elemental hogwash, prior to their ability to heal the sick &

the type-casted

angry because the role that led them to the top, is the only one that anyone remembers, the actor/actresses trudges through the rest of their career as if this was their proverbial

fat ass america

exhibit a: total weight of adults roaming the earth- 316.4 million tons (US measurement) exhibit b: average adult body mass in the world- 136.6 pounds (US measurement) exhibit c:

stop along the path of no direction

whilst perusing the gallery o’ conditioners of air, a hand comes flying up toward him, insistently shaking & uttering the man’s name as if he is supposed to remember---
