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I have 1203 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 456154 times and 87 of my stories have been cherry picked.

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My stories

pick up the torch

had Julian been even a sparkle in his mom’s eyes when Ray put the pen to Fahrenheit 451, one might have witness the light being passed straight from one hand to the next---

fortunate camaraderie

now when i talk of our fortunate nature i do not speak of relationships which started in physical romance & bloomed into something that society deems appropriate,

sympathy for the visitors

though i’ve no sympathy for the “devil” (as there exists no such thing), i got to feel that one must have sympathy for the visitors--- if any self-respecting alien

the taming

when younger & full of life, idealistic with fist in the air, hell bent on changing the world with a communicative heart whose capacity to give & care for those around her/him

so much is in the breath

frustrations, callous throughout the day, stressors embedded in the brain & a heartbeat exceeding what should be recorded as “healthy,” and yet we march on march on march on,
