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I have 283 stories published in 0 collections on the site.
My stories have been read 86399 times and 16 of my stories have been cherry picked.
3 of my 51 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 3 votes

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I enjoy reading and writing for fun. My other interests include blues guitar, local history, painting, art appreciation and tea rooms. My background is in the sociology of mental health care.
My tragic-comic novel 'Looking Through the Windows of Madness' can be read elsewhere on this site under the pen name Leo Vine-Knight. https://www.abctales.com/user/leo-vine-knight

My stories

Getting Published

Like everyone these days, I am an expert. Here are a number of easy rules which virtually guarantee a lucrative publishing contract. (a) buy a...


To those in the know, it may show rank. To many others it's just a wank. Lucky for some, it's money in the bank. But for all the victims, the rhyme...

Starting a Novel #4

He could see a boy sat on his garden wall. The boy had a basin haircut, NHS glasses and a podgy face. He wore a sticky looking shirt, green and...

Starting a Novel #3

"The end is fry! The end is fry!" "I say" said Percy Popinjay "surely you mean 'the end is NIGH' my dear fellow?" "I knows what I mean, sir"...

Ways of Starting a Novel #2

"Well, well vile shrew. You're nowt to look at and you were hard to woo. But I'll say one thing for ye, You make a mighty fine tea." "Ah! It's a big...
