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I have 17 stories published in one collection on the site.
My stories have been read 446994 times and 170 of my stories have been cherry picked.
2103 of my 14,340 comments have been voted Great Feedback with a total of 2152 votes

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2103 of my comments have received 2152 Great Feedback votes

1 Vote

Hello Ode - i enjoyed this

Posted on Mon, 12 Jan 2015

Hello Ode - i enjoyed this little snippet of writing, and would certainly be happy to read more if you post it. If it's any help to you, I think you could possibly work harder on the dialogue. i realise parts of it are supposed to be the child...

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Posted in Pax Romana, City of Angels

1 Vote

That has got to be one of the

Posted on Mon, 29 Dec 2014

That has got to be one of the best opening exchanges I've read for ages. Loved this piece celticman. Small typo below




I’d have told him his breath smelled like Peppy-le-peu and  pulverised her head against the...

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Posted in Love Cats

1 Vote

Happy Christmas to you too

Posted on Wed, 24 Dec 2014

Happy Christmas to you too Sean. I enjoyed this well-ordered piece - you seem to have changed tense halfway through the fourth paragraph - it might read a little better if you fixed that

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Posted in The Meaning of Christmas

1 Vote

hahaha - brilliant! You've

Posted on Sat, 06 Dec 2014

hahaha - brilliant! You've taken ALL the songs now though Tina! What's everyone else going to use?

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Posted in Can't Stop the Music

1 Vote

beautiful Sam. Reminds me of

Posted on Fri, 07 Nov 2014

beautiful Sam. Reminds me of a poem about Addlestrop (no idea how it was spelt)

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Posted in Train stop

1 Vote

quite spectacularly good -

Posted on Wed, 29 Oct 2014

quite spectacularly good - even by your standards!

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Posted in She had not aged well

1 Vote

missed this Bee. Glad i found

Posted on Mon, 20 Oct 2014

missed this Bee. Glad i found it now though - there's a kind of poetic rhythm to this prose - the ebb and flow of all the pasts. Wonderful

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Posted in All the Ghosts of Us

1 Vote

 I found this very readable -

Posted on Thu, 23 Oct 2014

 I found this very readable - liked the gentle humour, the main character. Although it kept my attention to the end, it could really do with being a bit less ponderous, and - i don't know if this is to be continued - would definitely enjoy...

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Posted in Early Life Crisis

1 Vote

A very enjoyable read - I

Posted on Sat, 04 Oct 2014

A very enjoyable read - I look forward to more of this. Welcome to ABC!

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Posted in The Diary of an Aspiring Hitman - Chapter 1

1 Vote

Splendidly surreal! (either

Posted on Sat, 04 Oct 2014

Splendidly surreal! (either that or you've taken a LOT of drugs recently)

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Posted in Dabavan III
